Tree of Savior Forum

AFK players in the dungeons in silence

AFK players in the dungeons in silence
Several players are AFK and even enter without ANY items.
They need to be banned from the game.
This one in the picture is always doing this, almost every day, it is necessary for people like him to be banned.

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U can quit this without lose count. Ez choice

and will find them again in another queue, lol


This is a big problem… and we can’t do nothing :frowning:

Same here. Reported AFK ppl but they are still there. Mostly I asked party first if they continue or requeue but still annoying.

I’d appreciate it if someone warn me about not equipping anything though. Since I shared gears among chars sometimes I already bring them but forgot to equip. Charging in group of mobs then dead in flash :joy:

Either its a troll or an alt by another party member XDD … next time … ask them … Who’s alt is this? …

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