Tree of Savior Forum

AFK necro/sorc/bokor is apparently back

this but unironically

Zombies power are based on the monster that they kill so they are actually quite strong compared to necro skeletons or such they can easily self sustain in the nerfed baubas cave

the real solution is to remove the pillars or make them unable to stand on them

So… what to take for 2nd and 3rd circles? :smiley:

Highest SPR classes aka necro/sorc

So it’s the same thing after all. Boring ;(

It’s quite literally a certain someone’s class choices except being quote on quote misused.

I like how Melody tries to deflect and change the subject to Boruta.

When you have multiple guild members botting in every channel of the top Hunting Ground and you enlist some of the most infamous exploiter’s like Nulight into your guild (Nulight Desu Hall of Fame) ofc the server is going to be pissed off, its not salt, its disgust.

If you want to just afk BS cheat your way to wealth go back to Silute where its accepted.

Holy thread derail.

To be totally honest this point seems to be super polarizing. For instance I’m in crevox’s screen capture and the only reason I’m alive is because I wasn’t afk like he thought I was. Ergo is being there but not playing bad? Honestly on my days off work I’ll go in with full summons, park my butt down and half assed jump auto while my summons kill everything, is that also ““exploiting””? Where does the line in the Sand get drawn and for whom? For instance the players physically moving other players from their spots, is that also an unintended use of the games mechanics to fit your needs? We don’t know because this game is vague like that


when the afkmancer era in dinabee ends who of them get banned? how many of them were punished? how many silver was retrieved from their accounts?..
the “White knights” are killing afkmancers (like someone says “botting”) moving them from the pilars and making their summon dissapear make them die after that so is not like the server or community is letting do afk farming do what they want for sure
about the HG before the re build no one go to that place only a bunch of farmers or people who need some drops, card album or money.
the reason of this topic is end afk farming for sure but is IMC fault for letting bokors doing the things wrong not melody or Impetus or any guild using the afkmancer (afkmancer =/= macromancer is important know how both works instead write **** thinking it is the same).

I hope it help with this problem


Daddy Desir best dad. No pepega

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i want him to adopt me

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Look at all of these deep weeaboo ■■■■ fighting each other. So good!

Nobody but 4chan said anything when half of Lotus were doing dina bee farm/Novaha :thinking:

Even then if 100 people spam CM with vouchers it’s 100x worse than what’s going on here, and I’m actually spamming CM for that raw silver gains.

You know what that means? Ban leticia cubes.

dont forget to not rollback those diamond anvil users xd

Its just sad that so many people resort to NOT playing the game to progress in the game and it actually works.

I personally spoke out against multiple people and guilds doing it and filed more bot complaints then anyone on the NA server on my old account @jchsc32 , IMC simply didnt care or the guilty parties had exploit immunity b/c they spent X amount of rl money per month.

Its also sad how naive most players currently are about things that go on, Diamond Anvils are not gone by any stretch. All the whales do now is get the weapon they want to make +546,890 and pass it from burner account to burner account buying the blacksmith DLC for 10 bucks on each mule account. Its why you commonly see people selling x35 puppy balloon hair accessories at a time.


Whats better is now crevox is scripting an icewall bot. Welcome to Kim’s Wild Ride

As you said, it’s direct consequence of IMC’s presistent lack of action.

At the same time, I really don’t understand why this particular game has so many people purposely looking for means to AFK and/or leech in every bit of the game, the most obvious one being necro(bokor)farm, but it also applies to bots, players afkin’ in instances or going potionless or gearless.

Game’s economy is totally ■■■■■■ up, even crappy items are sold by millions of silver.

What people learned is “exploit early, exploit hard”.

There is an addon to do that and I highly doubt that IMC would bother banning someone using it.

Its exhausting to play legit.

I came back a little over 2 months ago, I do my daily CM solo to maximize silver, I run my Saalus, I do my Gem Feud (when im not kicked from the server), and then I basically spend about 6 hours a day in Hunting Grounds farming blessed shards, sapphires, mithril ores and card albums ontop of whatever primus’ I come across.

As insane as that sounds its neccessary to afford any endgame gear b/c the economy is so absurdly inflated. The people that set the prices have more silver then they can spend in 3 life times, they are the same people who all fight with each other to be the 1st to get christmas sleds or golden pigs for 500 million silver each.

I can make 15 million silver a day and im still broke all the time b/c this insane economy, its just really frustrating that so many people can just write scripts and park their AFKmancers in Baubas or Kaljemis sub maps and make as much silver as they want with no consequences.

It really sickens me that I came back to this game for Re: Build and not a single fkng thing has changed, once again I got catfished by IMC. Between wasting 600 hours on Maple Story 2 and coming back for this shi* show I just feel absolutely screwed over atm.


I’ll see if i can get a video of it, but he’s pushing pillars that don’t even have players on them, and furthermore i doubt he can maintain a “”""""""""""""""""""""""“full time job”"""""""""""""""""""""""""" if he’s up at 4am pushing players off of walls. Literally pot calling kettle black except instead of a pot its a bokor and instead of a kettle its a cryobot. I’ll grab a video of him doing this and edit it in.

Nani? I’m pretty sure bokors don’t need to use scripts. The skill description tells you why this is even possible.