Tree of Savior Forum


Hye i was just wondering :sweat_smile: how did u guys deal with these afk leecher in Saalus Convent. I see that this has become normal. Just happen to me again, there was 1 person afk name (Kuromukuro) :rage: and another guys who left the game due to raged refused to give that 1 selfish guys free cube, so left us only 3 person do the work on the killing. We took almost 30 minutes to do the kill with only 1 person with real damage dealer, yeah thx to that 1 selfish guys for afk. :rage:

Does the β€œreport bot” really works to handle people like this? seems i have to deal with this daily. What should i do to handle this situation or is this allowed in the game?

see image below the afk guy

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Let the boss agro on him/her, dead by boss, then finish the mission?

Ive reported afk leechers before, no action was done.

Not working, he get back after 5 minutes. And then he make sure he was not aggro by boss and afk again. Look at his spot he ensure he will get the cube, by doing nothing! :rage:

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