Tree of Savior Forum

AFK Farming Dina Bee Farm/Griefing Players

Vacaoverpower fan please stop posting irrelevant post in this thread and specially when you don’t know what we’re talking about.

popcorn is good when there is drama

who else wanna share my popcorn?



Is that huehuehue flavor? Pass me some.

AFKers reporting and slandering each other, goodness I’m surprised we don’t have much of these at SEA.


its huehuehue-flavoured you got that right, but now, its 7% overall more hue!

SEA botters have a non-aggresive-pact
its like a unconscious culture or something

we bot in peace, but talk trash to each other.
you bot, i bot, everyone bot!

SEA is true MMO heaven


With my best pal AFK Farmer Vaca

Say hi all.


oh he back uwu

@abohorquez.naveran autopot

Cool stuff I didnt knew you were a GM to see who’s a bot or not?

Go hide in your own thread please, stop talking in mine.

The true story is here and it’s sad.

or afk?


Sad that you can’t read what is this thread about, as your friends that post in here.

Guess they didn’t teach anything at school.

Someday you will, in the meantime go grief to your thread.

your thread is as useless
I not found the point where you want to go

You’re never going to find a point on anything, that’s why you won the hate of an entire server but that’s ok, someday you will.

you should change the thread for this part of forum:

lovely couple bashing each other, so who’s the better afk farmer?

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with or without autopot/macro?

Guys gotta know the difference between a sorcerer afk farming and a necromancer afk farming, you know that shoggoth and skeletons use no mana right? :slight_smile:

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I’m a little surprised there aren’t mega thread for public shaming as an alternative to waiting on bans.

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This post just say something, your lack of knowledge of the game.

Pets don’t die even if the tower is killed.

I’m gonna assume you’re from paradise because the lack of brain and the other thing how many people in paradise left the guild?

Just that, go to sleep.