Tree of Savior Forum

Advice on solo/party build

I meant not worth for pyro build - as a supporter class - very usefull indeed

Way too many options now guys!
I’m leaning on both dps and support. Wondering if i should go thauma or chrono.

Think i need at least linker 1 for party though

Chrono c3 will reduce Pyro’s downtime on Flame Pillar + Join Penalty combo increasing your damage output. It also offers Slow CC which when high enough can stop completely monsters and enemy players movement and works like root zone spell instead. This would be nice workaround for Linkers latest nerf on Hangmans Knot bind duration.

Here’s the thing: You really can’t be a great DPS AND a great support. If you want a better DPS and solo time, use the build I suggested. If you want poor dps and higher party support, go with chrono and linker. That’s what it really boils down to.

I think Pyro builds really really really need Thauma. Otherwise, that damage is gonna die down.

Warning: Thauma requires you to spend a lot of silver on the attribute levels of the buffs to make it decent, then spend a lot on your skill attributes to double the effectiveness of Thauma buffs.

So go Linker2 (support) > Sorc2 (dps) - something (probably dps) and leave Pyro at C1 :smiley: