Tree of Savior Forum

Advice for my Featherfoot Skill, please

Hello, I’m Wiz1>Cryo3>Linker2 and I’m going to be a Featherfoot soon (only 2 Class LV left), so I want to ask some questions.
Sorry for my bad English skill.

  1. Is Ngadhundi worthful ?
    I checked on the Reddit, and I found they said that high level monster immune to decay. However, when I checked on Featherfoot Thread in this website, it was wrote that decay immune was a bug, and now it has been fixed.
    Which one is true ?
    If Ngadhundi still useable on high level mobs monster, I think I will put 6 skill point in to it (link, then hit and run away).

  2. My stat build is 3 INT : 1 CON. I wonder if Blood Curse still worth for it’s damage?
    If not, should I put my skill point into Blood Bath instead ?

  3. Cryomancer is really wonderful class. I love this class. However Cryo seem not good at damage-dealing. My only reliable offensive skill is Ice Wall, which has long cooldown. So I want some more Offensive Skill.
    In case that Blood Bath is useful than Blood Curse(in my build), Should I put my skill point in Blood Bath first, or put into Blood Sucking first ?

  4. This is Featherfoot skill that I planned. Do you have any comment ?
    Blood Sucking 10
    Ngadhundi 6
    Kundela Slash 5
    Bone Pointing 1
    Levitation 1
    7 Skill Points left

  • Ice Pike seem good at early-game. However it gradullay become useless and more useless because it’s unreliable damage, have to aim first before use to get max damage, have to go near monster to use it and cancelled if user knocked down. So, now I moved my skill point to Ice Bolt instead.
  1. Yes there is some mobs that resist decay is true but many other high hp monster are not, and having this debuff will help you a lot with your current build because the other way is having swell body but that is another build with thauma.

  2. For your build is preferible have full con wizard because BC will be your main skill bossing because there is a lot of damage coming from IW+link+BC but with your current stat dristribution have it still been so good, blood bad is not very good skill if you want can put 1 point on it but is not very much.

  3. Blood sucking is a good skill but maybe you maybe have to get first with ngadhundi.

  4. get 5 on blood curse and the others in any what you want XD maybe 1 on blood bath.

i recommend in my opnion if you get cryo put at least 1 point on ice blast the new IW combo deal decent damage to linked mobs.

Thank you, now I can relief and put my skill point into Ngadhundi.
I will check new Ice Blast, too.