Tree of Savior Forum

Adventure Journal: Missable monsters?

While looking through the monster list in the journal, I noticed a few monsters that I don’t really remember killing in regular maps. The two I’m sure about are Summoned Mushcarfung and Worg because after some thought, I remember them as summoned minions during quest bosses and nothing else.

So I was wondering if you can completely miss adding these monsters to your journal if you didn’t kill them on those quests that they appear in. Or are there actually other ways to get these monsters again. Level not high enough yet to check out most of the instance dungeons

I thought of the same after I realized that I was easily killing the quest bosses with one or two skills. If there’s no other encounter, you can always go back to that map and re-do the quest with someone at the level of the map. Help a little buddy and become friends, yea…

But, who is going to remember where to go? Would have to do everything all over again just for that… So far, I’ve tried to wait for the boss to use all of his abilities for any summoning ones. Noticed a few entries at higher level boss with the same model as previous ones, so I guess there’s a chance.

Judging from the top kill counts for these monsters and their respective bosses, a lot of them seem like you can encounter them in future maps or dungeons. That said, Summoned Mushcarfung is the only example I can think off that would probably only killable during their quest boss battle (low count on kill ranking for them and their boss). Could be wrong though.

At least it’s something that can be remedied through, like you said, quest sharing.