Tree of Savior Forum

Adjusted OBT plan

H’ok so I realized I didn’t like my last plan much. Essentially I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t want to go for Wizard c3 because that’s just not a fun way to path a build.

Given that the grind is going to be immense when the game gets re-released, I just don’t want to spend months out of my life grinding just to get some 50% damage buff and then have less fun skills to use from other classes because I couldn’t invest in them.

Anywho, so… This is my new build. I’m really looking to be a super AoE DoT kind of character.

U should put invocation at level 5 for it’s atribute xD. The rest of skill distribution is the best u can have i think, so it’s perfect for the build.

I mean what u said about months grinding for +50% damage buff wtf ? around level 45 u are already Wiz c3 and u get there just by doing some quests easily. I say that just to clarify it isnt that hard to get levels at this game (at least early on).

But first things first, u gotta play the build u believe u will enjoy the most. Ur build is fine, but if u are getting pyro just for the sake of thinking wizard 3 is that painful u can consider as an option wiz 3 - psycho 3 - warlock (but u lose a lot of dynamics due to specialization, so it’s less “fun”).

I’m personally stuck with 3 builds i can’t decide which one to run, so i’m happy u found your own way bro, rest in peace till 29/03.

I’m going Pyro 2 because I really like Pyro and it has a lot of constant damage through DoTs.

Also, I hadn’t even noticed the invocation attribute, thanks for pointing that out! I’ll probably only put 4 points into pole then.

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You said you wanted to be a: [quote=“Stormquake, post:1, topic:154214”]
super AoE DoT kind of character.

So, I would recommend Elementalist over Psychokino(Not that there’s anything wrong with being a Psycho :wink: ). Elementalist is all ‘AoE’ for the most part, as well as a lot of it is DoT.

You build looks good but I believe Kino3 will be much more a CC than a Damage dealer. Pyro deals some damage but at high-level it’s a DoTer at best.

It’s not a bad build and if you want different (more used) builds you can search on topics.

If I would suggest you one thing would be to trade those 2 ranks on pyro for 2 of wizard.