Tree of Savior Forum

[ADDON] LKChat (Alpha)

Upon further inspection it looks like the chat server is having some major issues. If you don’t see any chat with or without lkchat running. Relog until chat shows up.

v0.5a just doesn’t work for me anymore it’s just the normal chat.

Ensure the file is named correctly as described in the Installation section in the OP.

i just copy paste the file i get from the download to the patch folder.

The file must be extracted in the TreeOfSavior folder, the addon file will be placed in the patch folder automatically.

thats what i did see

other older version works fine tho.

Looks like I zipped up the development ipf archive. Redownload if v0.5a isn’t working, the new file should work correctly with the client.

working now but its the same with v0.5 no chat at all only no chat with lkchat.

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same problem as @sasame9821

Which server are you on? Because right now I’m hearing reports that the servers are being DDOS’d which was happening before the last 24hr downtime. Leading to long ability responses and failure to connect to chat.
Try relogging and see if chat shows normally.

I’m developing and testing on Klaipedia.

Klaipedia server ^___^

i am at sea but i have a character in klaipedia and tested it there to same no chat.

just logged in orsha and worked alright then when in klaipeda keeped working

Ok, I’ve gone ahead and reuploaded the file with another zip name.

still the same sea and klaipeda server.

Going to take a look at SEA.

chat is fine with old lkchat only with 0.5 that chat doesn’t show.

I dunno the problem, but enter Orsha and logout and enter klaipeda[maybe SEA, i don’t have char there] it keeping working.

Relogged a few times, had a few instances where chat did not connect.
So the chat server is having issues allowing players to connect and talk.
As long as you have v0.5b you’re fine, but you may have to relog once or twice in order to get chat functioning which is on IMC’s end with their server infrastructure.

it really does work in orsha and keeps working when you switch servers.