Tree of Savior Forum

Add Tokens to next TP Cube

No one is buying tokens because everyone is spending their money on these non-stop cubes.


Good, then f2p players won’t get free perks without paying.

I don’t think anyone is buying them cause people seem to only want to pay about 3millionish for them, which to me is absurd. I bought a token with the intent of selling it on the market but no one wanted to buy what I thought was fair for it so I kept it to use for myself.

This is exactly the problem.

No one is willing to spend 9mil~ on a token, but there’sa guy who isn’t banned spamming $1USD = 1MIl… Token = $9USD… it should be 9Mil, people expect 2-3mil.

Until you see that raise up, don’t expect people to buy tokens, why should they… if IMC won’t even ban the guy yelling that he’s selling gold why would they ban person who buys it, so these people are probably just buying gold instead if what they want is silver, it’s really sad.

They did pay, or do you not udnerstand the concept of a F2P game having a premium subscription that is sellable? This isn’t new EvE has done it for a long time. It was paid for when the person selling the token paid for it, the other person simply exchanged their ingame time for the token instead. Which to be honest is usually a bad deal.

Even minimum wage in most places in USA is $8-9/USD, meaning that you can get a token for an hour of work. You could probably just go cut someone’s yard and make that money in 2 hours at worst, farming ingame you’re not going to make that in an hour without some form of RNG being at play aka luck.

However when you’re turning $9 into 3mil that’s a bit different and certainly not worth it to the person selling, at all.

Heck I don’t support (third party) RMT. Bots are bad for the game and I won’t support them. But people won’t even buy them at 6 million which I find much more reasonable. Like I want one of those blue bow headgear pieces and those things are like 2.4million-3million for a bow (non enchanted) on the market. Not paying 9 dollars for a blue bow lol, but if I could get the blue bow and a bit more, now we are talking. If anything I’ll just grind out the in game money as I find it enjoyable anyways and use the 9 dollars to buy my friend a token.

Not to mention suggesting adding a token to the box just means more people are benefiting off someone else’s gambling addiction. We need less box items and more direct purchases is what we need. If people could spend 100tp on a costume they might spend the rest on the token to sell you. Instead they have to blow thousands of tp in hopes of even having a chance to get what they want.

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Yes this exactly! The medal page has a decent amount of stuff you can scroll through, the TP shop… not so much, it looks like what I’d expect from a day1-3month old game cash shop, not a game going on 1 year+ release.