Tree of Savior Forum

Add subcategories to the "Class and Rank" section

As our community increases, so does the number of class topics and players looking for information about those classes. As useful as the Search function is, it’s reached the point where searching for one class can return dozens of search results (Not to mention that the max amount of search results you can get is 50). It would help a lot to give the 4 main classes subcategories like this:

This way, things can be more organized! Discourse doesn’t support double-subcategories (Class and Rank -> Cleric -> Priest) so just this will have to do, but hopefully you can look into adding the “Tagging” plugin to the forum now or later on:

Thanks. \o


As we get closer to OBT,I definitely agree.The influx of people to the forum is only going to increase from that point on.

I agree, it will make easy the life of the future new members of the community

Thank for a valuable suggestion on our Forum.

According to your idea, Class and Rank section has been updated.

Thanks :slightly_smiling: