Tree of Savior Forum

Add more Minigames ;D

Hi me and my friends really like the “cardbattle minigame”…I think they should add more mini games like for example “Fishing” it would be fun or Pet battles like “Pokemon” Lol or some “Puzzle” minigames i think it would add more depth ingame ;D

Sooo what do you think ?

Do you think mini games a good idea or not ? :confused:

What other Mmo mini games you want to see in Tos… Mine is the jumping puzzle GW2 :relieved: post your ideas here :grin:

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Yeah this should help a little bit [quote=“cosx774, post:3, topic:119199”]
2) Management sim.

Town running type ■■■■. Or maybe even running a bar or shop for npcs.

4 example, humanity wins back land from evil monsters. Every savior gets some land to build up.

Things like farm, housing, pets, some elementary businesses.

That’s really cool imagine running your “Bar” or better a “Lap Dance Bar” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) …[quote=“cosx774, post:3, topic:119199”]
Things like farm, housing, pets, some elementary businesses.
[/quote] Hmm as far as i known if your a guild member you could do that ? but still a pretty cool idea :grin:

I take some of you guys have played the new xpac of PoE? I really liked the new mini-games (if you can call it that) for the ascendancy class tree, you have to avoid traps and reach the end of it to activate, i think i suggested something similar on the post that @cosx774 mentioned or was other post about similar content.

On ToS it could lead to unique recipes or materials, some could be 1 time only (recipes) and others reset weekly at random times, why random times? Because that way it will give chance to anyone and will less any camping (be it from guilds or individual).

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Copy-pasta from the other thread, because I want to feel like I’m contributing xD

I’m a big fan of quality over quantity. So before we get more fun mini-games in the mix I think they should REALLY upgrade the current RNG card battle. It is neither fun or worthwhile. FFVIII had an amazing card battle system. Might and Magic VII onward had an amazing card game. There are thousands of android apps from amazing and trash-tier developers all with varying quality of play, all better than our card game.

I have no idea how we still have such a horrible, horrible, horrible card game.

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Thank you for contributing :grin:

Anything that keep one distracted and relaxed is good…

like fishing…