Tree of Savior Forum

Active token trade bug

today token 1 days left trade player no, active [event] token +15d too useless :hushed::hushed:

Server Name: Fedimian (EU)
Team Name: Demonzloy
Character Name: EXP

  • OS : Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

not a bug, trades are limited. If you look closer on token descriptions you only get 30 trades per 30 day token.
Event 15 day or less tokens also don’t come with these trade counts.

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just normal IMC stingyness working as intended,
one of the things that makes people eventually exit the game forever.

If you scrolled down the Token Benefits section you’ll find the “Number of trades available” or something line. Not sure why they placed it too far down. Not so newbie-friendly at all.

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