Tree of Savior Forum

[Achievement] Hail-Hydra's +26 Potentia!

Hey everyone, I’m Hail-Hydra from the Laima server. For a few days before CBT ends/ended, I spent around 15m to get a +25 potentia and actually managed to make one +26. It’s taken roughly 50 potentias and 900 anvils as well to make this thing. I was a bit disappointed on the glow it got at +25 since it’s almost no different from +20. But hey, at least I finally achieved the dream. RNG in this game is completely random, and from my experience I wouldn’t count on any % statistics, since you can literally just fail on trying to get +6 seven times in a row if you’re unlucky enough or get to +15 with no fails (which I’ve done).

Anyhow, here are some pics of the sword!

It was fun guys, see you all in open beta (hopefully)!


I knew u, so talkative in server lol . BTW ,does the sword turn RED ?

So you are the one who lag up Fedimian …

I’m also proud I contributed 2m by buying your Aias lol


Would love to try similar thing, but since I’ve already +100% Oblique shot (12.5m) among other things already, I’ll have my Archer be content with her +15 Seeker :<

Nice job Hydra! :sparkles:

Congrats again! Moriya here. :eggplant::eggplant::eggplant:
I broke 2 Twinkle Rods at +12. ;_;

Congratz ^^

And good luck for your OBT weapons ^^

i wonder how fun it is to play a early game highlander with this weapon xD

nice job, and congrats.

I guess that Potentia has a lot of potential.

well, it’s attack is quite impressive xD

i guess if you really want to use a weapon, you just need to luckly upgrade it to insane levels haha

Heh. So you made it. Good job. :smile:

saw a +38 Ignition in Zemyna

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Zemyna acually had a +40 Record on a Nulis i think and a +38 Ignition which was on global chat recently

edit: another +40 here in zemyna

I can’t zoom through the cellphone, how much magick attack it gives? :o

it gives 808 magic attack


I wonder if there is a glitchy way to do it, like nullify the -1 on failing or something like that…

The chances are reaaaally low, and it being a lv 170 weapon, wich coasts a hell lot of money to enhance, this should be the first try x.x

But then again… RNG x.x

Is there some timing trick or some group attacking 1 anvil trick or something else? The highest i went was +10 and after that i kept failing to try +9 with other weapons. I suppose i can still upgrade items even if they have 0 potential? Still to spend 12.5m… sounds like a lot of money. I hope some bosses will have a chance to drop item that prevent upgrade decrease in case of failure.

the item disappear if you fail at 0 potential enhacement, right?

0 potential is your last which means you can still enchance it, but if it fails at 0 potential it’s where your item gets broken