Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Exploiting the Mystic Cube Timer Reset

Calm down, everything will end in


I like witnessing ban-waves that aren’t strictly RMT related :slight_smile: , although i haven’t been able to properly view these forums without being 502 gated for the past 2 weeks so this was strange to see today.

I thought everyone wanted to be on jTOS now? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Here, you forgot this \

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@VacaOverpower everyone knows that you used the “bug do boleto” the difference is that steam paid for this to imc and so they did not ban, more in contrast to steam no longer indicates the game for new player players

Which server?? huehuehue


To accuse me you need evidence, do you have evidence?

tesliai lol huhuhu xd

They dont answer my ticket and dont show a list about the criteria. I want to know If got 7 Days or more =/

huehue thanks, I thought I would get banned for posting 5 Tokens for 1M only in Varena :joy:

Just wait for 1 hour or so they’ll probably reply just like my case :wink:

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@VacaOverpower I may have no more evidence to imc/steam that I did not want to get into this subject because it was only necessary that she ask for a payment receipt, But I do not care much you have used a bug and not be banned, imc also should not give importance since the important part that was the profit it received

So why do you accuse?

But how else will they know that it exists? Will they ban more innocent people roiling their cube once?

I don’t know, man. IMC needs to see this so that they can reactively ban again!

Because I already have an account on kTOS for few months during kTOS OBT already. Still remember those days I met a korean girl playing cleric who helped me alot with translating ingame announcements :blush:

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Hire Sorien:

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  • Indeed

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no hue option ?

-Post must be at least 20 characters

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They know what happen with the first command, have new about the banns of abuse of the command, its a little logic the second command use for abuse can make more bans?

But they haven’t banned anyone for using the commands.

They banned only people who rolled their Practonium Cube more than once.

They also didn’t put out a notice or anything in-game. Some people thought it was a glitch and reattempted it once more or twice more.

Anoobix was CRASHING the GM’s.

He was advertising it in-game.

He’s still playing right now.


so if I have never killed someone can I do it once?