Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (June 8th ,2016)-Telsiai, Varena

Greetings Saviors!

The following is a list of blocked users and the reason they have been blocked.
If you feel that you have wrongly been banned, please report your case to us through the support page.

bot AGshinh**
bot ASFSVC**
bot Bazzal**
bot CSqrQ**
bot DDV**
bot Dabaoji**
bot Darlene**
bot Dolores**
bot Domini**
bot Eunic**
bot FDGRDF**
bot Faith**
bot Fer**
bot Flora**
bot Isabella**
bot KOiais**
bot Matdongs**
bot Monica**
bot Muriel**
bot Myra**
bot Myrna**
bot Pof**
bot SAto**
bot SDFDSF**
bot SDFESD**
bot Sg3l**
bot Telai**
bot Yt**
bot Yug**
bot aasdb**
bot adinadvill**
bot avFg**
bot bxcvsdfsa**
bot dhMN**
bot fdsafdsfs**
bot gretwert**
bot jrtyre**
bot mijg**
bot nnBet**
bot qgKu**
bot sb94**
bot smallhouseb**
bot vcsvsadf**
bot vcxvsffsda**
bot vsgdsfgs**
bot woijdjfeee8**
bot x**
bot br**
bot bx**
bot fgsf**
bot fgsf**
bot fuq8**
bot gdha**
bot gqkc**
bot sg6b**
bot vxen**
gold_seller DAWDAWDAW**
gold_seller ERTBH**
gold_seller GDRGRGRD**
gold_seller Jianku**
gold_seller bgfwe**
gold_seller dwadawdawd**
gold_seller dwadawdawdf**
gold_seller fdgrdf**
gold_seller gqwfa**
gold_seller hhmv**
gold_seller pro**
gold_seller qqw**
gold_seller samncna**
gold_seller sdfg**
gold_seller sefesfseesf**
gold_seller trh**
gold_seller ujujuj**

bot DSFSDF**
bot Fiaidnad**
bot Fjakds**
bot Opaos**
bot RDRF**
bot Riadn**
bot Tameme**
bot aergi**
bot ale**
bot bhe**
bot bjr**
bot cge**
bot dfedsgf**
bot drtw**
bot fdsssss**
bot giwilmo**
bot het**
bot jwng**
bot nbf**
bot newp**
bot sdfvc**
bot sdh**
bot sfr**
bot supg**
bot zctxl**
bot zphln**
gold_seller SDFWS**
gold_seller SFDEFSEFS**
gold_seller Saygoob**
gold_seller asfeg**
gold_seller dahgdwgady**
gold_seller dsf**
gold_seller dwadawdwagd**
gold_seller gftv**
gold_seller ghfgh**
gold_seller her**
gold_seller hweg**
gold_seller nschs**
gold_seller samcna**
gold_seller sfefsef**
gold_seller sgaeawr**
gold_seller svrs**
gold_seller xwew**

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

IMC Staff