Tree of Savior Forum

Access is currently restricted after maintenance 06/02/2020

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time :
Server Name:
Team Name:
Character Name:
Bug Description :
-played around 250 hours ++

  • After maintenance (06/02/2020), its was fine, im just login to my character and doing some activity like checking what events happening right now, and suddenly at 06/03/2020 at this time, 11 : 33 AM (utc +08.00), Your access to the game is currently restricted for other reason
  • I did not see my name on latest banlist
  • Never touch any third program, like bot program, macro, even using any addon, so i would be grateful if you can show me why i cant get into Telsiai
  • I always doing any activity like Challenge mode, Uphill mode, weekly boss raid, or any last events happened.
  • Able to get into another server, tried to create new character on Klaipeda server, and i did it, and try to login back to telsiai, still no result.
  • Many friends of mine, playing on my PC`s Cafe, and they still fine, so im sure its not about my IP getting blocked.
  • Once again, Please @GM_Francis, i would be grateful if you can show me why i cant get into Telsiai

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Steam Login
  2. Launch Tree Of Savior
  3. Restricted notification Pop-up
  4. Verify game file, still cant login

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Did you sell or buy silver for real money???

thanks for ur attention, no
tbh its not mine account, its my friend
he and i, playing on pc`s cafe
he collect all of his silver for getting that expensive varna since no one takin care newbie without good gears

oh my lord, that sucks then…

if the system like u said, then, we should be wary about what we gonna buy or not right?

Greetings Savior,

Please advise your friend to send a ticket to Customer Support to get assistance in finding out what happened to his account. We follow strict policy with Account Security, and details can only be discussed to the account owner.

thanks for ur reply

i`ll tell him soon, to do as u said… thanks…