Tree of Savior Forum

About Untradeable Items

Even with token, it happened to me that I went over the limit of my transactions (i started selling tp, lol) and I ended up with a high-end item in a trade that went into untradeable status. Its a pity I cant trade it anymore, even w token status everytime.
It would be nice if there was a way to make it tradeable again, lets say an NPC where one had to pay or gather items to make it tradeable again and not be stucked with it forever and ever.

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I second this! It would make things a bit easier or maybe go back to having a limit of 2-5 times it can be traded before becoming untradeable. I personally prefer the system of paying say 10,000 silver or 5 TP to have an item become tradeable again. It is painful when you get a 100,000 silver item from someone and when your done with it your only option is to sell it to the shop for 500 silver which is way below its value. So unless they re-adjust the prices in the shop we sell items for then we need and item or service that will allow us to trade a “traded” item again. Due to some technical issues this has been posted again

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