Tree of Savior Forum

About ToS Soundtrack

I’d like to take a moment to speak about ToS BGM.
I’ll not say nothing “bad” about the music, is a great work, SoundTEMP and the other composers are great, but I can’t stop thinking that this Soundtrack is too… Electronic… too much drums… too much “Techno/Trance”… too plastic
When I saw SoundTEMP was involved on ToS OST I really get very happy, I thank maybe the soundtrack of this game could has that magic than Ragnarok’s OST has…i was wrong :frowning:

There are some special themes like Viento, the Login Screen Theme, and some others of course, but generally, the OST is too much generic and electronic…needs more classical, fantasy and soft music… and less “boom, boom, boom, boom”
I really hope consider some changes for release OST…really hope…

Just my opinion.


There are many tracks that seem to fit what you are looking for. Amicably(my fave), Cerulean Wind, Chatty of Fire, Due Solo (which I think is the best imo), Bonjour Tristess, Sunset Tracer and others are not electronic with heavy bass or “boom boom boom” in them. Some have that soft and/or fantasy feel to them.

I don’t believe the ost is generic, I will say that Symphonic made very similar tracks almost all having the same electronic bass which is a turn off.

I’m loving this ost and I listen to my select faves on repeat nearly everyday on my downtime in between.other genres of music.

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The OST is great yes, but like pedrofc, I find it too “Electronic/Trance” sometimes…
But maybe IG, all the musics will sound prefect, depending on the situation (I remember a boss fight which was totally epic with its music track).

so any track that is great as Milden Milles?

There are some cool tracks, nice tracks… There are so many others that are like a Saturday night drunk on an Trance club… Some ones i’d never put them into a videogame… :open_mouth:
Just go Youtube and search for “Tree Of Savior BGM”…

Come on, “Saturday night drunk on a Trance club” ?
It’s ok if you don’t like them, but no need to discredit them completly. These musics are totally fine and well composed.

As you see, I’m not saying is a bad work or bad composed… I’m speaking about the style/genre of some of them… , like “Symphonix - funky hostage”, or “Symphonix - You as well”.
When I say “Saturday night drunk in a club”, I mean the style of music of the club, only that, I don’t want discredit nobody, really… Who could discredit SoundTEMP??? they are one of the best teams on this…

Don’t put on my keyboard words i didn’t say hehehe :wink:
As I said, great work, great composers (I know some of them since before this game), but, as i also said, is just my opinion, I’d prefer a little more fantasy/epic/rpg classic style and less “hardcore” style, probably some of users things like me, and some others does not.

I think ToS music is designed to keep you awake, so that’s why it’s electronic. :o


The music fits the grinding.


As a electronic music lover, I like almost all its in ToS BGM

But I felt bad for you and I dont now how to help. Sorry.

ToS Music Here!

I like House music a lot, one of my favs, but i think there are some songs just don’t fit well with the game… (I’m only speaking about game ambient/atmosphere, the best fitted music when you have a sword or a magic wand in your hands, not any music genre being good or bad).

Don’t worry for me hehehe, I love other songs on the ost :smile: Spaghetti said some of them, very nice songs, i’m really speaken about the most hardcore themes in ost only.

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I agree with @pedrofc, those more “hardcore eletronic” beats don’t fit the medieval approach of the game very well. They are not bad ofc, but looks out of place (IMO).

Overall, the OST is really good and i’m really pleased with it! :blush:

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think outside the box

Aso far as the electronic trance tracks on this ost, Symphonix accounts for like 99% of them lol. They have over a dozen tracks on it and they all sound similar.

The only electronic/trance type song from a different artist I can think would be Angelus by Sound temp but it’s not as heavy as Symphonix themes.

I take it you rather would have left out Symphonix from the ost.

Its a little bit off-topic but SoTN Ost is by far the best one ever made to me:

so what is that KPOP theme’s title inside Monestery “Main Chamber”???

My only issue with the soundtrack it is that I can’t monetize my videos of the game, it’s weird since on other games you can o.o

Thats pristinee by S.F.A. (my absolute fav)

I think Electronic Music, Techno, Trance, specially that you listen at the Miner’s Cave fits de grinding scenario. Other places with important quests, main quests, serious monsters should have another. But IMO maps specially designed for grinding should have Techno and Trance music.

I disagree with one thing tho’, the music sometimes doesn’t match one with another. You listen to some trance music, and then PUFF, a generic MMO medieval-like theme appears.