Tree of Savior Forum

About the winners of halloween event

add all of them to the black list for cheaters

jk congratz


ok but how many candies them got and how did the rules apply to the winners? because i few people who got the solmiki box only played the last 2 weeks.

whats the point of hiding those names when the servers are so small we know who they are…


We should then start listing them here.

Another event with same rewards !! Please :frowning:
Maybe we have 90 % of the winners here

someone from orsha post he got about 26k-28k candies and is in the list

Instead of the previous “top 3 of teams with the most Odd Candies exchanged selected per server, per week” we will be selecting “the top 12 teams with the most Odd Candies exchanged during the 4 week period." as our Certified Trick-or-Treaters from all servers.
IMC logic.

gratz for winner. okay quit game now


I got over 50k candies and some people there got less than I did and they got it. Gratz to them :o

I can’t answer for the others but i did exchange approximately 44,600 candies thru the four weeks, i did okay the first two weeks, did awful on the third and near perfect on the last one(missed like 100 candies). I played everyday against three other winners from Silute, so my guess is IMC did check if the winners weren’t cheaters, because i know those three didn’t cheat and i’m sure some cheaters i’ve encountered playing the event probably got more candies than us.

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lol Varena server reward to those Gang Rapers good job IMC . almost all rewards go to same guild



The Last week changes rip us off, feelsbadman :tired:

I want to quit already…
After rank 9 im done.


IMC should also list how much candies the winners got.

I’m already in a half-quit state. Will try to have fun with r9 but I probably won’t last two months after that (two months is the generous estimate). I could actually just quit right now if I had something better to do but the next thing I’m interested in spending a lot of time on is monster hunter world which won’t be around til late january

EDIT: btw I meant to post this on the feedback thread, I just realized it went somewhere else


see you there fellow hunter :upside_down_face:

As of now Im farming 40f cubes, it really feels bad man. The time and silver you need to get those weapon. My goodness easy peasy for the winners.
Well I congratulate them and If I will be in their shoe I will be happy.

But , I can taste salt on my toungue.

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I’d give it to you if I won :frowning:

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You’ll become invisible once you were those Solmiki items. *ifyouknowwhatimean

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