Tree of Savior Forum

About the Bot Reports category

server :varena
teamname: polsih

server :varena
teamname: vxeryu

now bot at goddess ancient garden farm uosis,by the way the bot can hit without move and teleport in same spot,we can even do quest when the bot hit from far

Please remember to at least tell us the following when reporting bots.

Server: Orsha

Server : Varena
Team Name: PenguinQ

Here’s a video

i would like to suggest to ban the IP address of the boters…

Server: Telsiai (SEA)
area: Goddess’ Ancient Garden
team name: cant see the team name ;(

heres a video:

Server : Telsiai (SEA)

Team Name : HarveyWoodrow
Char Name: MayNa

Location : Dina Bee Farm

Evidence: No response to chat. Walking around the same spot repetitively killing mobs within his reach and obviously taunting us with his Party Name.

Server: Telsiai (SEA)
Team Name: Milinda
Char Name: Brantini
Location: Nefritas Cliff

She kept walking in an exact diamond while autoattacking all the time

SEA - Telsiai
Team name of bot: Shadowflake
4/24/2017 4:51PM
I wanted to upload a video but its not in the right format, i just screenshot it from my phone.

Server - SEA Telsiai
Team name of bot : 0wind0
Location: Demon Prison District 2
7/5/2017 8 am to 1 pm
Evidence: always same diamond formation and same spots of fireball
note 0:24 summons familiar and cat at bottom right… . also same action at 1:48

still no reply from chat