Tree of Savior Forum

About Thaum's Swell Right Arm

Hello, guys.
I have a question for Thaum’s Swell Right Arm .
If I equip a shield or subweapon then using this skill, can i get the Magic attack
increase effect?

thx guys.

With a dagger, you will get the bonus magic attack. With shield you will get physical defence.

Just to tell you now, there will be a “nerf” in the future where swell right arm will no longer give extra magic attack with dagger. I don’t know if iToS will get any skill/rank reset voucher.

AFAIK, they reverted this nerf.

It will come in to iToS in the near future. We have yet to receive the remaining changes in R9

but I thought they reverted it back even in KTOS? The last patch notes I read was they returned swell arms to their previous state.

I’m pretty sure they will rework into something else when wizard patch hit.
Maybe give back mdef or more block rate / block damage with shield, and improve secondary dmg for dagger/pistol/cannon or magic block with dagger.

Thaum3-xx have been a thing since R9 hits, it is the class benefited the most from random stats gear (consider it a buff), and too many players using it and indirectly killed off other build. If they rebalance other class then it might possible. (anyway with 2h-staff T10, it is consider a minor nerf)

It is matter of time.