Tree of Savior Forum

About Status distribution Wizard

I havent play this game for awhile, wasnt able to test the status distribution in the reset’s event. So, I am afraid to put bad my status points with this new balance. I’ve been watching videos at youtube about wizards build and saw someone using full DEX…Why DEX?? i dont understand…I know full SPR would help the summoned monsters…But why DEX?

Full CON is still a good distribution for Supports, also FULL INT for damage?

Dex will increase your attack speed for certain skills and auto attacks.
So dex wizard is comonnly used for auto attacks wizard aka chaplain wizards.

dex will not influence wizard Z attack, just C attack.

Even then, it would be better to just go int because chaplain wiz is most of the time buff wiz.

But yeah wiz go full or mostly int for Damage dealer
Full/mostly con for support like cryo/chrono (Not buffer as buff scale with int/spr (some don’t scale with both))
And SPR for sorc/necromancer because when the summon patch hit, summon will be finally viable. (As summon don’t scale from int or matk but only from Spr and Weapon Matk)

Aren’t these why those dagger wizard exist?
there is also power staff to consider


my guildmates said there is wizard str. Though I find it hard to believe, he said he watched a video(I am not interested though)

Yeah dagger wiz do exist but those are purely for fun build since a full int missile damage with a linker do much more damage rather than a dagger with limited aoe dmg that a dagger provide. even if you JP a mob then C attack it with a dagger, the damage falls off significantly at a higher lvl mob.

Power staff C attack is based on magic attack, without int invested, you’d be doing fast but barely any damage. For power staff user, it is better if you go chrono for quicken, then just omit the dex stat. EDIT: The truth about Power Staff

still i dont understand the auto-attack term…i dont get it

It is more like basic attack without using skills, (that’s what it say at forums) @aeroangelhehe you have an interesting point there so dex is going to increse the C attack which mean I need to hold a staff for make the damage right? So the DEX’s build is a FUN build or something.

Basically there are 2 types of auto attack.

  1. Attacking with our main hand (Right hand equip) - When pressing the Z key.
  2. Attacking with our off-hand (Left hand equip i.e:daggers, pistols, etc) - When pressing the C key.

For non-wizard class, Z attacks are based on physical attack whereas for Wizards, Z attacks are based on magic attack. Z attack speed for Wizard is also NOT INFLUENCED by dex.

For non-wizard class, C attacks are based on secondary physical attack same goes for Wizards, C attacks are also based on secondary physical attack. (YES, PHYSICAL ATTACK) C attack speed for wizard IS INFLUENCED by dex.

With this in mind, when u go dex build without str, you wont be dealing any damage, with C attacks. With exception of Power Staff as the unique equip boost your C attack based on your magic attack. Therefore, dex build wiz without Power Staff is not viable. However, you can go around this by using a biunt + dagger to boost your physical attack, but bare in mind, you would have to split your stat distribution to str and dex, even so, pure int wizard will always outdamage you.

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