Tree of Savior Forum

About Psychokino's Swap

So… How does Swap work?? I mean, sure, you change your position with one enemy, but if you put more skill points in this skill, what’s the difference? Targets?? I don’t get it. Can you swap position with several enemies at the same time or…? And how many times can you use this skills before it enters in cooldown?

Is this skill usefull? Because at first, I though in using this to change position with one enemy and use Chronomancer’s Stop or Raise to cc all the enemy team and isolate one enemy in order to my team kill him.

more levels = more enemies you swap with…

you can use swap twice before CD

it is useful, but it all depends on your way to use it…

be creative :wink:


Swap can be used twice before going on cooldown.

Using swap will bring up a small targeting circle which you can aim by using your mouse or arrow keys. Any monsters within the small targeting circle will have their positions swapped with you. (The amount of monsters you can swap is limited by the level of your swap)

Overall, the skill isn’t very useful. There are hardly any situations in PvE where swap comes in handy. I’ve only found 2 main uses for swap, and the benefits aren’t that great. One use is to re-position a boss monster. The second is when I want to re-position multiple fireballs with precision (since I play a pyrokino).

I can’t say much about swap in PvP because I haven’t played much PvP.

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I want to be a Cry-pshycho-chronomancer, (CC FTW)
I guess one point is more than enough then

Can’t you use swap to warp down cliffs and such? Would be pretty awesome I think.

I don’t know if it was changed (wishful thinking)… but it sucked in icbt2 cause swap only go on ground level where you can walk… so no swap down clips allowed…

BUT, that’s what teleport was for :wink:

Here’s a good way to use it as Cryokino. Level 1 is enough for that.

Watch till 04:41.


I think i have tried this on iCBT2. As long as there’s a target and is within the range, you can use swap.