Tree of Savior Forum

About Ichor Transmution

how i know what bow stat will become ichor ?? , explain pls :(:frowning:

that’s random. good luck

that mean i have 50% LOST EVERYTHING ?? wow !

If one has no stats… i guess (didnt try that case). Or the bad/low stats it has.
Maybe better to use the other extraction.

why not try on garbage loot, unless u don’t want to spend another 3m for the materials :slight_smile:

it was 66% lost back then as it used to required 3 items instead of 2.i advise if its random stats and its very very good just dont transmuting.but be prepare for the RNG that also better now.
i only transmute fixed stats so far even in the dark ages.i even saved my ignas gear box freebies and many gears set to wait for this changes lol

Isn’t transmutation obsolete with the new 10% extraction rate? So far I’ve extracted all my ichors without even touching the 40x golden kit pack I got from popo shop. Or use it for the fixed ichors (ignas, asio…), because if you use it on randoms, RNG will choose for you and I bet it’s never gonna be the best one…

RNG can be evil… i had to use over 10 GoldenIchorKits (from old events).
But on very good RandomStats Items, no other way to get it, but worth.

I read that as Goldenchlorffs. I’m tired :tired:

Random 50% ra cái bạn muốn.

My 0-potential primus dysnai boots with str, con, dex and crit rate that are waiting in storage for better times would beg to differ.

And i don’t even have a single golden ichor left. Should have waited for transmutation, on hindsight, even if just finding some primus is hard enough now.

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