I used to be playing actively before when I hit 225 on A3 > QS3 > C1 but now with more end game content, is it still viable? Any players with similar path like mine and how is it on higher level dungeons/raids
whatss a c1, cleric?
Cannoneer. Never played that path myself and since the new combat system is being discussed idk how similar it will be.
im currently a Archer 2 - QS 3 - Wugu - Canon 2, i’ll be changing Wugu for Falc with the rework.
imo theres not much of a point in getting Archer c3, if you’re doing it for Kneeling shot + Running Shot combo i dont think its worth it, i prefere Running Shot + Bazooka combo, since running shot makes the attack multihit while in the Bazooka stance.
And if you’re gonna do a Dex build after rework even less reason to get archer c3.
For me Falconeer for Circling is the best option.
I’ll be doing something like 350 Dex, rest Str when the rework hits, i’ll get back to you how things work out
Yeah I was thinking the same thing too going for Falc for Circling that benefits the Cannoneer class. I’ve heard that Running shot aspd buff doesnt stack with Bazooka though, I’m not sure but I’ve read it somewhere. Going for QS3 path or AA class doesn’t seem viable in high or end game content in my opinion. If anyone has better opinion correct me here.
Here’s a bit of number crunching + a vid of Qs3-cannon post combat change: Siege tank: A1-Qs3-Ro2-Ca2
tos doesn’t even have end game
Atk speed does affect Bazooka, that includes Running Shot.
The extra atk speed from Running shot isnt huge so it can be abit hard to tell, but it does make a difference.
Most noticable when you have Quicken though