Tree of Savior Forum

A returning player and is completely Lost on what to do

Hi so my name is Austachiv… i`ve returned for like a month or 2 now… Soo i recently learned of the Popo Boost as my previous guildmate told me about it… so here it goes i was stupid and got excited and made a character… but, my stupidity lead that i wanted a new class rather than sticking to my old character class so i deleted it… is there any way to get my popo charcater back and change it?.. im stuck at level 489 now can’t progress and can’t even kill anything due to low level equipments…

Questions is where can i ask for support? or is there anyway to get it back?

Thank you in advance

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I don’t think you can get your character back, once it is deleted it’s gone. Doesn’t matter, there will be a new popo boost season at the beginning of April, which leaves you two months to get accustomed to the game again. Plus the new season will probably have new accessories meaning better equipment for your popo boosted character. Remember that unless you change BASE class you can change class at any time until your character reaches max level (popo boosted characters also have access to a box containing the “better” classes at the end).


Ohh this outcome would be great then!. i was stupid enough to delete and not read the warning texts >.< but thank you for this wonderful info