Tree of Savior Forum

A question on r10 options for Ele3>FF3 build

So, I’ve tested lots of Wizard builds during the Rank Reset Event, but only reacher r10 now, so I haven’t the chance to test on it…
I feel like I don’t really have any good option here, maybe I’d like some AoE filler (I use Magic Missile and Earthquake a lot lol), as FF3 gives some sick single target DPS already.
The recommendations I saw until now were Shadowmancer or Rune Caster (never played any of them):
. Shadow - seems like a good help for when Levitation is off, but it’s damage skills are almost single target (please correct me if I’m wrong);
. RC - does some AoE options and magic amp buff, but all skills seems to have long cast time so idk…
. BOTH - unlock quest omg

So I was thinking about something like Warlock or Onmyoji (unlock quest ‘-’). Or even Sage. Linker or Cryo (minimal CC?).

What do you guys think?
Any of them is worth in C1?
Have anyone tested this build (or a similar one)?

Thanks in advance!

I went with Rune caster. I can tell you that its pretty good. Rune of destruction is another good AOE to pair with other skills due to decent damage and magic defense reduction provided by the attribute.

i dont think there are many c1 classes that are that worth it. The only one that i can think of is sorc where you go full spr, with gorkas or marnox, Its stable and good damage.

That unlock quest tho…
Ah, dunno, I kinda dislike sorc.

I would honestly go linker so your ff skills can have some more usage as aoe.

I went with Warlock. Pole of Agony is pretty strong with curse debuff. And you can technically have 2 overheat by using a skill scroll. Invocation is also pretty good in CM, especially if you have camp buff. You can even pair up with an exorcist to boost their damage with mastema.

I’ve tried shadowmancer and it’s terrible at c1, especially on this build. Your kundela slash already has low cd so you won’t really have time to cast all 4 OH on shadow thorn.