Tree of Savior Forum

A question buried in the silence by IMC

The guy has no wit and definitely not suitable for being a troll. He’s more of an idiot than a troll honestly. lol

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Well, you can do statistics, but 100 isn’t a very good sample size for what you’re trying to accomplish. Take a look at thread about the white boater headgear: There are people who have killed over 100.000 Infroroktors (or whatever the monster’s name is) and have documentated all their drops. The statistics are still bad for the headgear itself, but you get a pretty good picture of the droprates of all the other items the monster is dropping.
If the whole community would collect killcounts and item drops and we’d put all the data together, we could probably figure out most of the drop rates of this game … it’s all about the sample size.

… that said: Probability is still just that … probability. Knowing that an item has a 1% droprate doesn’t mean that you’ll get it after 100 kills. It just means that there is 1 drop in 100 kills on average.

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Dude, first of all: i am not interested about how IMC calculates the rates and the respawn. If you know english you will see that i want the rates.
Read again my post
The same way i know a monster has fire element, is large, has leather armor, i want to see his drops, I want to see 0.32% of item A , 4.82% of item B, i don’t give a single f#cqk about how the game calculated this

And yes, we don’t have any official info about respawn, about rates, about drop penalty, everything we can do it’s testing it, i am not saying we can’t imagine how those things works based on gameplay, but we don’t have acess to those info.
Yes, WE players don’t have acess to official info, WHETER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

is obvious:one of the best things that knowing the rates provides us is calculate, it’s estimate.

If you finished your school, if you know how to sum, if you have base mathematics in your brain, you will know that to evaluate a binomial i need the EXACT probability, in many timea every single “0.1% more or less” will lead to +600 or -600 monsters, and that is too damn high. But no, for you “the drop is somewhere something between 0% and 5% its too good and i should not complain”

Oh, forget it, i cannot disagree with you, the master of mathematics and rates, according to you the fun of the game it’s guessing the drop rates of a monster , why don’t you kill 800,000 infrorocktors and do the favor to this community to evaluate a precise rate of that f*wcking white hat? Please do that, i will give you a medal

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Large, fire element, leather armor are key information because many attacks and skills depends on that. Loot table doesn’t affect the gameplay except for quest itens.

The premise that the game should inform their drop rates is wrong, they don’t need to do that, they shouldn’t do that and they don’t want to do that.

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[quote=“nuclearmissile, post:17, topic:302224”]
open 100 cubes and still get nothing.
[/quote] still wrong hahahah you got me bruh


“The premise that the game should inform their drop rates is wrong, they don’t need to do that, they shouldn’t do that and they don’t want to do that.”

It’s exactly THIS i am trying to say all the time, this quote it’s summing up my entire post, i don’t know why my post gets so confusion and troll by those guys, this comunity is so toxic.

The main discussion here is just that: we will have abnormal gameplay if we have acess to drop tables? Does IMC will have problems with cheaters and hacks it they give us a excel sheet with the drop tables? What is the problem if the players can acess the drop tables?

I know that. And i am asking about the real probabilities because do statistics SUCK, it’s a unnecessary method to be guessing drop. It is no funny, it is massive, anyway, as ive said, if i have no idea abot how monsters i must kill until i have a good chance of drop that item, it’s unecessary i wait to someone answer this "Hey guys has anyone dropped this item?"
Why can’t we go by the simple way and just say the number 0.43%?
What is the problem with saying to the community “dudes, this item A has a dropping change of 0.43%, its not statistic, its not aproximate, its 100% real”. Will Tree of Savior become boring because this? I think boring is killing thousand and thousand of infrorocktors and after that realize that they don’t drop that hat.

And i want the exact probability to evaluate a BINOMIAL CHANCE.

“Knowing that an item has a 1% droprate doesn’t mean that you’ll get it after 100 kills. It just means that there is 1 drop in 100 kills on average.”

This isn’t a binomial probability.

This time I’ll answer you slowly to see if you at least TRYING to understand what I’m talking about
You have talked, talked, talked, talked, talked, talked and didn’t comment a single word about BINOMIAL.

Do You know what is a binomial?
Binomial needs exactly RATES, needs a LOOT TABLE, and a LOOT TABLE has ROWS AND COLUMNS, i am not wanting to know WHAT ITEM i am going to drop, OF COURSE IF A KILL 99999 MONSTER ONE TIME I WILL GET THE LOOT, YOU DON’T NEED TO NOTIFY ME THE OBVIOUS


Basic mathematics:
If i have a 5% drop item, and i’m wanting to farm 15 units of this item and have a 95% of assurance that i will get this item, according to the formula i must farm around 435 monsters.


“Wahh, why do you want these fckqing drop tables, it’s clear that the drop rate is something between and 0% and 5%”


“Wahh, let’s improve it, the drop ratenow is something between and 4% and 5%”


Being clear:
4% drop needs 545 monsters to have 95% assurance to drop that item
5% drop needs 435 monsters to have 95% assurance to drop that item

“Wahh, but its only 110 monster more, what a useless difference”

No, it isn’t only 110 monters, it’s almost 25% more kills needed for 1% of error in the drop rates.

If 1% of error in rates causes a 25% more monster that i must kill, imagine that:
Battle bracelet in tosbase is supposed to have less than 1% droping
Battle bracelet in is supposed to have 12% droping
11% difference in ratio. This can lead up to 550% difference


Mathematics is an exact science.
I can not work with intervals.
Binomial doens’t allow “small” intervals as 1%
Binomial also doens’t allow “big” intervals as 25%
I think you missed that part.

And before you say more bullshit, here i go:


Bullshit number one:

“wahh, if the item it’s 1% you must kill around 100 monsters”



Bullshit number two:

Omfg… here im with 5 Vubbe Fighter blood within a few hours of killing a few hundred vubbe fighters and just last week i spent the whole 3 days hunting and i never got a single drop of this sht…
So whats my chances? 0.00% to whatever sht the drop rate and i dont give a sht coz IF IT DOESNT DROP, IT WILL NOT DROP.
Even if the item drop rate is 0.000001% you can still get it with your 1st mob kill which gives you 100% drop rate!
SUMMARY for your puny braindead mind… it doesnt matter what drop rate the item have. Coz its a constant 0% to 100% each and every mob you kill.
You misseD that gigantic logic part."



Bullshit number three:

SUMMARY for your puny braindead mind… it doesnt matter what drop rate the item have. Coz its a constant 0% to 100% each and every mob you kill.<

If i throw a coin many times in a row, the chance of gets face is always 50%.
If i throw a coin 95 times, the probability of getting 95 comsecutive heads is too damn low, in other words, the chance of getting AT LEAST one tail is HIGH
And it is what i am wanting to know, the chance of getting AT LEAST ONE ITEM


Thank you and have a good day

What the difference that it will makes? You won`t farm the item if rate drop is too low?

Understand that you have a chance for every monster killed, the total amount that you killed is irrelevant. I do not expect to get an item of 1% in my hundredth kill, I hope to get in the NEXT kill. If you bored, you give up or back another day, if it is entertaining, you keep killing.

Whether you have to kill on average 10 000 or 100 certain monster does not help anything if you want the item.

Community numbers are close except for few exceptions. What amazes is you find it strange that the numbers are not public, since often they never are. That’s the root of roulette drops. They can change the chances without give satisfaction.

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Understand that you have a chance for every monster killed, the total amount that you killed is irrelevant. I do not expect to get an item of 1% in my hundredth kill, I hope to get in the NEXT kill. If you bored, you give up or back another day, if it is entertaining, you keep killing.

I know that, but it makes me a huge difference. When i do that, i suppose that i have a 95% level of assurance, in other words, i will assume that when i will farm i will go remain on the central area

Lucky guys= low kills till drop
Unlucky guys = huge absurd kills till drop
Both them are uncommon, when i evaluate binomial i am saying this:
if a high number of players farm this item until drop (only stop farm when drop the item), 95% of then would go stop in the central area of the picture, they would stop at 3200, at 1700, 1438, etc, the number depends of the binomial that you evaluate.

Obvious, i can be the guy that get the 0.01% drop on my first monster
And i also can be the guy that has killed 150,000 and didn’t get a single one
But those two guys are very uncommon

I prefer to admit that i will be the normal guy (95% of the population) , i prefer to assume that i will remain in the central area, and evaluate how much monsters i have to kill.

For me , 95% is a pretty damn high number, i prefer to assume that when i start farming i will belong to those 95% guys.

And what do I get if I have a good idea of how many monsters I’ll need to kill?

I can estimate how much time i will grind until get that drop.

If you don’t care about the time you farm, if to you is no problem farming 6h, 7h without stop, i only can tell you this:
evaluating binomial will be useless to you

A question buried in the silence by IMC

Umm ok, what’s the question

how can be you sure about that?

No one can be sure of stuff…

Have you opened 100 cubes and got 5 arde daggers and say it is 5%?

nope I haven’t, but I wouldn’t say 5%… I would say “Oh! yeah mmm gimme more luck” or something like that

how about the guy that got an arde dagger in his first cube??

lucky bastard… I mean CONGRATULATION

100% drop chance?

more like 100% luck chance… Something tells me we are throwing statistics and stuff out the window here so… YEAH! ■■■■ Statistics

why the hell would’nt you be able to see the drop table too?

Cause you are stepping on it…

what do I get if I have a good idea of how many monsters I’ll need to kill?

you become a mathman

I am discussing about the complex drop system in a MMO, but it seems that for you it comes down to grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind YEA IVE GOT IT and repeat the process again as you were a stupid robot

If you want argue something with me, use logic and numbers to prove that i am wrong, otherwise, you are free to leave my post, stop wasting your time here with those bullshits and go do some “useful” grind in Tree of Savior, because it seems you love it soo much


I will just take my 1 post and say that I have a 100% chance all my posts are awesome :smirk:


You are asking for information, most devs/pubs wont tell you. Sometimes people datamine it outta the files, but here you can not for whatever reasons and you’re freaking out.

It’s long winded and wont get you anywhere.

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I’m not asking to they telling it to me.
Im asking why do people must datamine files to have a plenty basic information that is the drop table?

I know many MMO’s doenst show that as if it were a basic info, but why?

It’s the whole chasing the carrot thing.

If they just told you straight up, you’d run outta carrots to chase; or just straight up drop the game cause the carrot is some near impossible drop.

They’ll just tell you, “EXPLORE, NETWORK, IT’S THE FUN!”.
Sometimes it is, if you dont think too much about it.

BTW Ive had this entire discussion before on different mmorpg forums. You’re presenting relavent interesting information. But you wont get a honest/straight answer from the dev/pub/gms/cms.

I could also be reading what you typed wrong. My mistake.

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