Tree of Savior Forum

A question about rune caster quest

Did the time of taking the runes in mausoleom and chronomancer? because o heard that 1 u need to wait 2 hours eand the other 3 hours, its that true?

Royal Mausoleum rune:

  • Has a chance of spawning each 30 mins. One time at XX:00 and one at XX:30, per hour. Example: 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30.
  • Can spawn in any of the 5 floors / 2 channels.

Chronomancer master rune:

  • When loading a channel it will take around 2h ish for the rune to spawn.
  • The rune can’t be shared between two players.
  • If the channel resets you need to wait the full time again.
  • You can use “Show Hide Buff” addon to help check the timer.
  • You need to walk until Chronomancer Master is out of screen after the buff gets to 0s, it sometimes (or always?) bugs and still won’t give you the rune if you don’t reload the NPC.
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on mausoleum you need to keep searching for them or stay in one place??

I do it like this, each :00 or :30 I search all floors and channels, if there’s no rune I afk until next spawn time.

Checking only one spot might still get you the rune but it’s less efficient, it doesn’t take more than 5mins to check all channels, this will get you a rune at maximum in the 3rd try-ish, 1:30 total wait time, around 15min of play time.

Staying in the same spot can reduce your play time but increase wait time for 2-3+ hours.

Thx for the help! now i just need the chrono one but i dont think i can grab it fasterc ;p only if i steal of someone… but that would be wrong >:(

“You need to walk until Chronomancer Master is out of screen after the buff gets to 0s, it sometimes (or always?) bugs and still won’t give you the rune if you don’t reload the NPC.”

The bug is that the timer goes faster than real time, so it will reach 0s before it’s actually over.
What you need to do is just wait a few more minutes when the hidden buff is on 0s and it will disappear on its own. Then you can collect the rune.

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I just sit in a single spawn spot in Mausoleum, and wait for it to spawn. Less loss of sanity that way.

Chronomancer rune is a maximum of 3 hours 20 mins, assuming no one has talked to the master lately. If nobody is on the channel for a certain amount of time, the timer resets. Shops don’t count. I believe the Rune can be shared, as I’ve picked it up while other people are there.

You can relog to refresh the timer if need be.

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Did you actually test this though? I’ve done the quest on 5+ characters and did notice what you told but it was definitely faster to just go out of screen and back (which is why I assumed it needs a NPC reset that might happen each 60s?).

No idea here, but whatever works is fine. o wo

When I got the rune the buff was instantly updated to 2 hours again, but maybe it was reset only for me?

I only tried it once when I did the RC quest but I remember trying the “walk away” technique 2 or 3 times, seeing it not working tried to change maps and ending up having to wait 2h all over again multiple times. Best sunday of my life.

To me it’s just the same thing that happens when your 5 minute buff expires but it stays at 0s for more than 1s, that’s what makes me think the game doesn’t count seconds accurately and on a 2h buff the difference is even bigger.

But then again I only tried it once so my theory might be wrong.

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I can confirm this is what happens. Did the quest on 5 wizards and this happened with all of them. Seems like the longer you have been waiting for the timer to end, the longer it will stay on 0s at the end, some of my characters only had to wait 1 min, other had to wait 3-4 minutes before the timer dissapeared.

And the chronomacer master rune can’t be shared, I’ve had people steal it from me before ;-;


Thanks for the info o:

Guess there’s no need for walking till NPC disappears and reappears bakc then.