Tree of Savior Forum

A question about Pardoner spell scrolls

I tried finding the answers on this forum but i guess pardoner wasn’t that popular in iCBT1.

I’m wondering how the Pardoner spell scrolls work.
Can a pardoner make only pardoner skill scrolls? Or all of his own skills such as revive from the priest class if i chose that option while getting to pardoner.
Do those scrolls cost SP to cast?
How do you get mats for the scrolls?
Do you even NEED mats?
Does the Damage formula when casting a scroll takes into account the the pardoner stats or the stats of whoever is holding the scroll?

I most likely have more questions i cant think of right now.
Thanks for the help!

No one got to Pardoner in iCBT… Highest Rank I think was Rank 4 in iCBT 1.

Pardoner scrolls can only make the skills that the character has albeit some skills cannot be made into scrolls because it was overpowered.

I can’t answer the scroll use costing SP but for materials, you do need materials to make scrolls AFAIK this may have changed in newer patches that I haven’t read yet.

The formula for casting the scroll is on the character who uses it I believe.

(Better answers would come from someone from kCBT but this is all I know from reading stuff on the forums)
These may be old but they should still hold some credibility.

Circle 1 - Simony; The list of skills you can turn into scrolls with Simony has been adjusted as follows:
Current available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast
Removed skills: Heal, Safety Zone, Zaibas, Smite, Change, Counter Spell.


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Here are all the skills Pardoner’s can turn into a scroll.

Current available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast

For materials, you only need a blank scroll which can be purchased from the Pardoner Master.

Everything else, I can’t answer since I haven’t played a Pardoner yet.


Now I’m left to wonder whether setting up a buff shop will be a good income compared to fighting things. Cant wait for the beta to check things out.

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You probably can do both to be honest.

You can get income from fighting/grinding when you are free to play the game.
Afterwards, you can set up your spell shop if you have to do something else to do in real life/sleep (“This shop can still work even after log out” -Tsuyucchi). Only a few other classes have skills(squire and alch) that can make money while being afk depending on market conditions.

Skill to use with Simony to make scroll only work with some job skill and it have to be a skill that you already learn only. (ex. if you’re not Krivis you can’t make Krivis skill scroll, If you didn’t learn Daino then you can’t make it with simony). Material is a blank scroll + your money to make.
As for skill list that work for latest update to make scroll already mention in Kiyoshiro reply.

Scroll work same as real skill. Include skill level however some formula in these skill will base from player who use scroll.

Buff shop is good if you’re AFK or offline. But there might be more pardoner who open up a shop in town later though.

about pardoner, I didn’t understand oblation skill :sweat: