Tree of Savior Forum

A little help here :D?

So here’s the thing:
I arrived at Fedimian today, and I’m at Lvl.110. So, I’m using Ludas Staff because I find the “ALL PYRO SKILLS +1” good enough.
Well… It WAS good enough, now I’m kinda feeling a bit weak on this late in the game with my Ludas Staff, so I don’t know what to buy next.
I saw Expecta Staff and those 128 of Magic Amplification and I thought that it was a good staff, but after some google-research, I’ve found that people don’t recommend this staff :(.
So, What can I do now?
a) Buy a good Lvl.75 Staff? And if the answer is YES, wich one should I buy?
b) Wait 'till Lvl.120 and buy a Lvl.120 staff? And if the answer is this one, wich staff should I buy?

My Character Info: BASE LVL. 110; CLASS LVL. 10

P.S: So, just to clarify, I’m happy about the actual state of my character, he deals A LOT of damage, and I’m doing a solo run without any problems (I died like, 5 or 6 times, but that’s all), but I do feel that I could be stronger, so that’s why I need help :(!!

Buy a rod and Arde dagger.

I saw people talking about this build, but isn’t it good for Cryomancers only?

No, people are misunderstanding elemental damage.

It gives that much extra damage to all your spells on every tick so arde dagger has 153 fire damage meaning your flame ground spell will do 153 extra fire damage on every tick however many times it ticks.

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Holy F, I didn’t know that elemental damage worked like that! Thanks for the helping man! I’ll try it tomorrow :smiley:!!

Im still astonished that after all the beta testing this remains un changed.