Tree of Savior Forum

A list of ideas for the game

Beside I hate a lot the changes that were made in the game since the closed beta, I will try to give my help to make this game great again.

And for the ideas… Here they go.

My first idea solves the issue of power leveling, players restricting themselves to new characters when playing with lower leveled friends, and selective raid groups issue (where you can get only peoples around your level to do instances, or something bad will happen) in the game.
Beside I believe it will share some critics. So, here goes the idea.

When the players are in a party, if there are players whose levels are above 5 levels from the lowest leveled player, the those players level will receive a kind of temporary level downgrade to 5 levels above the lowest player level.
That downgrade will not influence the received exp, loot or anything else, but will make the things as challenging for the players who got downgrade, as it is for the lowest leveled players, which means that the downgrade will also influence the affected players status points, aswell as weapons and armors.
Those level downgrades should only be effective when the player is exploring the world map, or instanced dungeons when playing with lower level players.

If you still didn’t got my idea, here is an example.

Let’s say that Potato, Apple and Lisa begun playing the game, and
Alice wanted to join with her character, and the party ended up like this:

  1. Potato Lv: 3
  2. Apple Lv: 2
  3. Lisa Lv: 3
  4. Alice Lv: 48

Due to Alice being level 48, her combat power is far too superior from Lisa, Potato and Apple combat power, meaning that she can 1 hit kill anything, and turn the leveling faster.

But the bad thing about that is, that either Alice will feel bored because of killing everything and either create a new character, stalling those new players progress for a while, or one of the low level players will feel like things are too easy, and will either decide to continue solo, or quit the game.

Now if we implement the level capping to the party, we will have a party like this:

  1. Potato Lv. 3
  2. Apple Lv. 2
  3. Lisa Lv. 3
  4. Alice Lv:. 48↓7

As you can notice above, Alice got a level downgrade to 7, which means that her status points and equipment status were all downgraded to around that level, which means that beside the field monsters are of some challenge for Alice, she will be around the same level as Potato, Apple and Lisa, meaning that they can level up without none of them feeling/being underpowered.

And more, Alice did not needed to make a new character to play with her friends.

Now, why does Weapons and Armors should get a downgrade aswell?
Easy, as you can notice on the base game, there is a huge difference of stats on the equipments based on their levels, if there were only the status change to the level reduction, would not be very much effective, since for example, a level 100 player could kill almost monsters of lower levels with 1 or 2 hits.

And the classes? They will not get the level downgrade from parties, which means that beside your level will be reduced to match the party’s level, you will be able to use the skills and classes from your character level without problems, beside I believe the skill damages should be affected to the status downgrade based on ranking.

And there is the second idea…

First classes weapons be unlocked for all classes.
Which means that Swordsman, Cleric and Wizard could use Bows and Crossbows, aswell as Archer could use Swords, Staffs and Maces.

Why this? I’ll explain.
Allowing first class weapons to be used by all classes, would make the game have a larger diversity of builds, aswell as make the classes use certain weapons depending on occasions.

For example, some flying monsters will need the player either to jump and attack them, to strike them in melee, or use a ranged weapon to hit them.

Beside all classes would be able to use all kinds of weapons, they will not have attributes disponible to spend on them, which means that the weapon will not be as powerfull for that class as it is for some other.

Also, to make things a bit more balanced, attack with Bows and Crossbows will not allow the player to move, if not used by an Archer class player (since that’s a huge advantage).

This change can also unlock a few new capabilities for the classes, like a second type of skill for ranged/close combat, for example, let’s take the Swordsman’s Pomel skill, when used by the character with a Bow or Crossbow, the character instead of hitting with the weapon hilt, will kick the enemy inflicting the same damage.

This change can also influence on the class trees, since can unlock new hidden class, or new class types, that mixes the main tree with another one.

And the third idea is, ammo for ranged classes.

No one invokes ammo when shooting, why on TOS is that possible?
Ammo should be needed and also used when using a ranged weapon, beside it’s annoying to have to buy new ammo from time to time, it is one way of avoiding the know Z farm, at least for Archer classes.

The ammos when bought, they should be bought as a quiver that countains… Let’s say… 50 Arrows, for a small price, when those arrows are equipped, you can shoot as long as you have the ammunition for that weapon.
Different weapons needs different ammo, depending on the weapon, their ammo may cost.

This can be a great way of employing Fletcher class into arrows making, they could make stronger, or even effect inflicting weapons out of monster parts, which can be turned into a bundle of arrows, and then equipped to use in combat.

This also could allow the Fletcher to be able to open it’s own Arrows store in the town, selling arrows quiver for the cost of Silver Coins.

And for my last idea, the Wizard normal attack could be handled by an automatically learned attribute, which can be toggled on and off, if that attribute is toggled off, the Wizard will do melee attacks, instead of the lame snail magic attack.

And I guess that’s all for my ideas.
I believe not many will be pleased by the All weapons for all classes, but, at least the archer class would not feel like the weirdo of the classes (which is the only class that can use some certain types of weapons, while cannot equip the other types).

I guess, that’s all.

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Nothing to say about those ideas?
At least the party idea is great.

I love the party idea, other games (like Guild Wars) have it and it really really works. You can play with anyone you want no matter what lv you are.

At this point, I’m inclined to support all of those ideas mainly because it would at least make the game a bit more interesting… Though to be honest, about the only thing that could possibly make me want to come back to play is if it was released as a mobile game. I’d play on the subway or while waiting for coffee…

these are all bad ideas imo except for the ammo idea and the fletahce rarrow shop (although it would be useless)

power levewling isnt even an issue and why would a cleric want to use a crossbow?

Power Leveling is an issue, since it would make you avoid all the game content, being throwed to the end without knowing how even to play with your own character.
Also, the game seems to not have much things on the end game, so reaching as quick as possible is a bad idea.

First class weapons idea sounds fine at a certain point, a healer could still be able to help with a few dps at a certain distance by using it’s crossbow/bow, and heal others when they are in danger.