Tree of Savior Forum

A guild for bot/gold sellers

  • Reason for report : Guild named “Guild” is full of necromancers for gold sellers.

  • Server : Orsha

  • Team Name :

  • Location : Dina Bee farm

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) :

  • Evidence
    There’s a Guild, named “Guild” for silver farm in Dina bee farm, full of necromancers.
    If IMC does nothing about this, I’ll quit this game for ever.

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you might have to do that


I know.
As a returned player on the reset event, with little time to play, and silver is need to make some progress on the game, I make one necromancer to farm some silver when I’m not on the PC.
I’m thinking on take a long break, and return only if some new anti-cheat and GM action about something like this get fix.
I saw a lot of gold sellers and bots, but a FULL guild for silver farm and gold sellers?
This cancer is getting out of control.

Unfortunately, this will probably be your only solution, IMC is being even more passive than before about anything in the game.

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And bots are everywhere! They farm r8 mats and gems. Now, it’s group of bots together. No longer just one bot on a far off map. I ran into 10 bots in khonot forest today (party on each channel). They were farming blue doyors and blue tanus.

Another necromancer calling another necromancer out as a bot

Here is the same situation taken from someone else. He was ice walling my necromancer and i was notified by my friend. Take note that I am not even afk while he takes the video.

Keep note that i had drinkersclub blocked. I was talking to a different necro since I planned on leaving

Let me see you are talking about a guild of bot/gold sellers when you only see 2 people there, im in guild and i know very big part of the guildies cuz we are together a very long time and i know an actual part of the guildies have a necro but no everyone, thats because some of us don’t like it.

And now theres you trying to talk about necros and afk farming and you are one of then so how can you come talk about it with this poor argument with no info.

And theres is a afk necro farmer talking about ban afk farming the irony is strong here


Sorry To burst your bubble but Guild is a established Guild in Orsha, and since you came back recently I’m gonna guess you don’t know the established guilds in Orsha. They are not silver farmers/sellers or necro botters, it just seems like you are mad that you could not get a spot in Dina bee farm. Its hard to get a spot since many people have afk necros, that is true. Many Guilds have AFK necros, that’s just the way it is. Stop accusing random people and Guilds just because you don’t have a spot in dina bee.


Go ahead and quit, there is nothing wrong with necromancers according to IMC.

At the bottom of the picture " Is that hard to respect the spot when someone got first?"

This guy is a hypocrite. He tried to take my spot by ice walling my necro away.

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just quit the game OP

I just push you a little bit because you got 2 spots at once, and this is not a “friend” with the “same” name.
I quit this game
have “fun” source" and “resource” same guy.

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why did you need to scratch your/ your friend (your other acc) name?

The spot was from “Source-” not yours “Resource” and since you did not talk back but you were moving and you just come and spawn all skeletons on me, I just asume that you 2 are bots.

In the screenshot there are a total of 4 different characters. I scratched out the name because they are an unrelated party that happened to be around. Source-, Resource, Friend of mine(took screenshot 1,2,3), Random necro (i talk to screenshot 3). I deal with a lot of people at dinabee and i don’t bother taking screenshots because this is a common occurence meeting someone like you.

And thats funny that “you didn’t know i was not a bot”

I was actively responding to your ice wall before you even cast it and I changed characters multiple times during the period where you kept casting ice wall.

Here are the 2 necros. They looking nothing like the necro that shows up in picture 1. Also evident by your video.

This isn’t your first time doing this either so I didn’t even bother trying to reason with you.

Looks like you didn’t quit

Are you sad?
ps: never saw so much addons on a single image.