Tree of Savior Forum

A good use for rank 8 for Cryo-Chrono-Kino

I wanted the skills of Chronomancer C3 and ended up in a lot of threads that recommended Cryo C3 because it was more fun that going full support (Even though I love support roles).

I heard Cryo C3 isn’t as versatile anymore considering we can have kino C3 with Chrono C3 and only Cryo C1 is there any way to use Rank 8 classes or RC to make Cryo 3 more compelling.

1)I thought Cryo C3>Chrono C3 > RC may compensate for the low base damage of Cryo’s Ice attacks. Plus considering they want to fix Rune of giants so it can work with other wizard’s skills.

  1. Cryo C3>Chrono C3>Sage
    The point being Missing Hole as and additive to the support role. Does this skill do its job?

3)Cryo C3>Chrono C3>Enchanter
Enchanter’s got Enchant Lighting. Does this makes a significant difference when dealing with frozen enemies? Also Empowering since I always play with an archer C3>ScoutC1>Rouge.

Do these combinations work or should I start again with my cryo (I just got C2 and read about the cryo-kino-chrono combination).

EDIT: Also Subzero Shield only works with melee attack but now it can be used with Missile Hole, doesn’t that protect you against melee and ranged attacks?

IMO you should take peoples advice with a grain of salt. There is certainly optimizations for every class/circle to be had, but people telling you cryo3 is “more fun” isn’t a fact, it’s an opinion. I understand it’s hard because you can’t change builds easily, but if you really enjoy support roles then maybe thats what you should do?

What exactly do you want to do with the character? Sage has more utility and pretty viable with pvp, whereas RC is more for pve…it’s all about what YOU want to do.

I would like to go support but I also want to have an active role, not necessarily attacking but with the freezing capabilities of Cryomancer. I made the decision of not going full support because of that. Since I play with an Elementalist and Archer. I wanted to make use of that. I still want to know if Enchanter’s enchant lighting works well in frozen enemies

Is RC useful for anything other than icewall + pp against boss? I’m just not sure I see much utility for pve, but I’m a RC noob so there’s that.


I dont have personal experience using them, just talking to people who do and researching stuff. I could see an application in high spawn areas where your runes (being stationary) actually have a chance to do something. But as far as I know they are mainly for annihilating bosses.

There is a ton of “active” options that are support. Cryo is certainly one of them, but you also have linker (which is never unwanted and very active), thaumaturge, and chronomancer to name the main ones.

Are you dead set on cryo>psycho?

*Edit: forgot to mention that I know literally nothing about enchanter, so I can’t speak to that.

I think the rune of giants changes will make rune caster way more common just for that spell once we get the changes.

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So Summer time maybe?

People pick cryo1 in the chrono kino build because of the mdef passive that scales with your shield defense and pressure with ice wall when you use stop on pvp (already fixed on ktos). This build is PvP and sucks next to other builds for PvE.
Rune caster without wizard c3 is kinda of a pain the ass, but after the buff rune of protection, rune of giants may become good support skills.
Sage is bad at dps but missile hole is too good for support.
Enchanter is bad both for support and dps.

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Nope actually I wanted to go Cryo C3 Chrono C3, but I thought that build was outdated since with rank 8 you can actually go chrono 3 and still get Psychokino 3. That’s why I want options that involve having a Cryomancer C3 and Chronomancer C3 mainly. I don’t know if Cryo C3 skills will still be relevant in rank 8 if I didn’t choose Psychokino in my build.

I see then Sage with Missile it’s good for support, but what about enchanter with Agility and Enchant Lighting if my party has archer or swordman characters?

Agility does not work at all, i tested with 105 stamina and skill lv6 and not a single dodge triggered, enchant lightning is ok but not something better than missile hole.

Again, it comes down to personal taste. I don’t think that there will ever be a time where cryo3 is straight up non-viable, in terms of CC/support. I will grant that psycho syngerizes very well with cryo (I am cryo2 kino3), but there is a lot of other options. I should preface that the more support oriented you are, the harder it will be to level by yourself.

That being said, you can do wiz>cryo>linker2>chrono3>??

The cryo is really only viable for the ability to freeze mobs, after you link and hangmans knot them. Chrono is obvious for support, but your damage potential is basically nothing. The last circle could be sage for more utility, or warlock/sorc for some damage, though it would be weak.

Your approach of cryo3 chrono3 is certainly more well rounded in terms of being able to solo level and also party support. The last circle could be the same as above, but it depends on what you want to do. If you want more damage i would drop chrono3 and do 2 ranks of one of the damage centric ones. If you really want chrono3 then it doesn’t make much sense to throw some mediocre damage from the other classes (at least to me), might as well fully round out the support role and go sage.

Sorry for the ramble and block of text.

One question, what’s the STA value of the caster? There’s a possibility it scales with caster’s stamina instead of the character who got buffed.

For Itos Probably Fall

This is what I don’t get. Runes only apply to one person right? I know the description says to your party, but when in a party only the person who steps on the ground rune gets the buff right?

With my current build being: Wiz > Cryo3 > Link > RC > ? > ?

is there any point in going psychokino then sage? I currently have a fletcher3/mergen and it’s my main… so my thinking is that going psychokino/sage is going for a bossing build, but if so, won’t my main just outdps it anyway? I was thinking of possibly going Warlock 2 next and just using it for a silver farmer. :frowning: (rune of giant for speed)

One rank of pyscho is meh, I wouldn’t recommend it personally. Again it depends on what you want to do. Sage is excellent for pvp, missile hole is is amazing in that aspect of it. Outside of pvp, with your current setup, I wouldn’t recommend sage. Going two ranks of warlock is excellent for DPS, the circle of linker also helps with warlock as well. Featherfoot might also be an option to consider for DPS…

Do you see it competing w/ a Fletcher3 mergen though? I assume not at all, at least not w/o Wiz3. So I’m thinking just making a decent dps (pve?) silver farmer Warlock 2 might be the best way to go… make the best of a messed up build. :\

Thanks for the input.

In terms of boss killing, no not really. Warlock is probably your best bet to make something out of it. Good luck and happy hunting :slight_smile: