Tree of Savior Forum

A good melee CM solo scout build?

Anyone know of a good melee CM solo scout build? Already have a SR so not looking for one. Thanks.

i used to make cm5 solo with my rogue ardito assassin, but i’d put linker instead of ardito to make it easier.

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on my scout only account i love assasin-sr-linker which use both gun and dagger for easy and continuous aoe. assasin for annihilation sr for running shot and marching fire linker for jp or in future enchanter might be better for power ups and overkiller instant acceleration

SR skill rotation is enough for AoE mobbing, the marching and retreat shot one. the only thing you need is bossing skill… either sherif or linker will do. you can finish your build with enchanter (for support) or thau (for bonus silver from swell body)

This goes so wrong…
SR isn´t a melee class.

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assassin - linker - ardito/corsair, currently using corsair but ardito seems to have more mobbing skills.

Im using scout-bm-enchanter-assasin, and i love it, yeah it takes time to gather good weapons(2 instead of 1),but it’s worth it! Annihilation +bloody override - thats the thing!
P. S. Rotation - bloody override, then outrage, then second bloody, then annihilation, and then another outrage, and for circle! (dont forget to stab enemies with your piercing hearth once in 10 sec for 50%crit rate buff)…

My current build is Assassin - Ardito - Corsair, and I find Corsair’s skills way stronger than Ardito’s even without considering the pistol skill. Plus Corsair is getting considerably buffed while Ardito is left in the dust. The grenades just have such a slow animation and clumsy hitbox, I usually don’t even throw them unless I need the CC. The molotov is the one really strong aspect of Ardito, but IMO not enough to be worth a class on its own.

I think Enchanter - Assassin - Corsair will be very strong with the upcoming balance changes (or dropping Assassin for Linker/Thauma for a more support oriented build that still has good damage).

may i ask for your skill build for corsair (dagger build)? linker looks likely to get nerfed so replacing it with enchanter might be a good choice.

haha sorry i focus on cm more than melee.cause i found sr is easier for mobbing and both marching fire and retreat shot cd is nice

This is my full build ATM but the skills will definitely change whenever the rebalance hits, and I’ll probably replace Ardito with Enchanter (and might replace Assassin too and go full support).

Linker is getting nerfed as an AoE class but the new joint penalty art will make it stronger against bosses. We’ll have to wait and see if it’s worth it in the end.

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My current build is assa-ench-corsair. It´s awsome, but sometimes i find myself with all my aoes in cd during cm. I’ve thinking in changing enchanter for rouge/ardito/linker. What do u think about that?