Tree of Savior Forum

A few suggestions

Just a few suggestions that I think would be cool to have in-game.
By the way, sorry for my bad english, not my main language.

Lodge/Character Selection:

  • Show sellected character money and location.

World Map:

  • Now that we have a collection for each map (kOBT), some kind of indication that you already have a collection would be nice.

Party Settings

  • A “Class-restricted” item priority option, if my party drops a bow, only characters that can use the bow can pick it up, if there’s more than one character that can use it, random between them, if noone can use it, random for all party members.

  • A “Equal Gold” option. When playing with a “support” class, usually you don’t recive any gold from mobs, because who attacked first get all the gold, a Equal Gold option would be realy nice.


  • The greatest problem with Mouse UI, in my opinion, is the “Action Buttom”, sometimes (almost every time) is hard to find where to click, then you have to get close, change to keyboard, press space and change to mouse again. Changing the “Action Buttom” to another key, like “F”, or adding it as a secondary option would be nice.

Well, that’s it, if I think of something else, I’ll edit this post.


or make the loots have class priority, and if none of the party matches the loot it goes to anyone within the party :smiley:

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Is the class-item connection that cut and dry? I mean, all armor and accessories can be used by anyone, and three of the classes can use most of the weapons.

I’d rather a need/greed formula instead.

Or “roll” option, the party members rolls a random number, and who gets the higher number keep the item, TERA has a opition like this, works pretty fine.
The major problem is weapons, if I know that the other player can at least use the item, [butthurt] would be better than a barbarian getting my blue bow Q_Q [/butthurt]

Good idea. The crappy potential system, the removal of person to person trading, and the low profit when selling items to NPC makes this feature very important.