Tree of Savior Forum

A fall of a game - The problem with the Founder's server

Let me repeat myself: 3 month headstart is way too much. Guys, the problem is that it’s killing itself as an mmo. They want to force everyone to buy this 50$ package if they want to play together and do not want to suffer because they started way to late compared to others.

Nobody wants to fall behind, but not everyone can afford that much money.


I get that, but those people that don’t want to fall behind will have a fresh server to join in June.

There isn’t going to be just one server. Some people will flock to the new servers, and some will join the existing one to take advantage of an existing economy.

Fact is, it will be much easier for new players to level faster on the founders server in June since all the items will be there. If you wanna play fresh, then there will be options for you.

Honestly, this is not the solution when you announce open beta. Open beta is something else. The problem is that they are playing scammer game.

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After 2 weeks they want to sell me an antecipated acess to a broken game for 50$. Than what ? Debit 10$ from my credit card each time my pet glitch ?

for me i worry that people wont join the server where founders are playing. mostly they will choose the new one.

i would join the new server instead of the old server where the headstart is and i wont favor character transfer

Come on people!

You guys must realise that this is not, by far, something fair with the players and the community.

3 months is a lot of time, and there are so many problems with this, I’ll try to number some of them.

1 - They announced an OB = Open Beta, and this is the opposite.
2 - Just a few people can afford to pay 50 dollars. There are a lot of people like me, in a situation where the dollar stands 3 times or more the local money(in my case Brazil).
3 - Even if playable, the founder’s server, after the game is fully F2P, there is no reason any new player would join their server with people being miles ahead on the game.
4 - If, they made the game a real OB, and with the cash shop open from the begining, Im pretty sure they would get a lot of money from the players, maybe even more than with founder’s pack.

Imc threw us cold water, when our hearts were on fire.


I am LMAOing at your life right now.




50 bucks for 600 tp for 3 Month is more than fair guys. I pay 50-60 bucks for a ps4 game that will be finished in 2 days. I dont get why ppl are so angry about this. The only fuckd up thing is the separate servers thats an issue.


GG, im dropping this game.

I’m okay with paying for early access, you guys are overthinking this,
if you want to play now just pay, if you want but can’t, just wait like a
lot of other things in life you can’t always have what you want.
And about the game being dead in a year is rather arrogant, you don’t
even know how the early access will be, how many players will pay, how
is the game on the International Server, etc.
Can’t see a problem in paying 50U$ to play, I have about 1.4kU$ in games
on my steam, another 50 will not be a problem, only rule I follow about
buy or not a game is if the game is enjoyable or not for me, I had a
lot of fun on Closed Beta and I’ll be playing on the Founder’s server
with some friends that already confirmed to me that will also pay for
early access. Anyway, play, don’t play, your life, your time, your

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Also I want to say this: I will pay 50$ at the spot, if the early access will only contain 3 day headstart before the free to play gamers are joining us. Honestly, I would do that.


Totally agree $50 is soso for me but the main problem is they separate servers into 2. I bet that after 3 month founder server will basically dead because most people will play the new one.

IMC doesn’t want you to have friends in the game btw, and this was way before the Founder’s server. In korea, you’re penalized for forming a party outside of the matching system, and the level penalty ensures you can’t effectively grind with anyone 10 or more levels apart from you.

They want you to play casual solo, and that’s what they’re offering to the founders, a single player game.

Im fine with it as well, i dont see the problem, and what if the Founder’s server dies after 3 months? ill take those 3 months to try as many things as i can and learn as much as i can, then if i have to, switch server with that amassed knowledge and start anew.

We need guest passes and it’s no problem. I want to play with friends who won’t pay $50! :frowning:

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A great post man, I appreciate it so much.

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I thought Asian people have high sense of honor and respect others. MAYBE It doesn’t apply to South Koreans. As a player I will disrespected, shame on you IMC.

won’t say a thing.
agreed with everything.

All my 12 friends left



The thrill is gone…

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