Tree of Savior Forum

A Dungeon to Counter Magic

  • Since this isn’t kToS, I don’t expect this to be implimented but it’s still worth saying.

Seeing as how Earth Tower chews up physical and melee types, why not create a dungeon that counters magic types in a new fashion? As if Magic-type attacks get nullified through something like Counter Spell or if a new mechanic within the dungeon that makes you take damage if you don’t confront and fight head on. The pride of this dungeon would be Swordsmen because they interact well with the dungeon itself, but Wizards and even Clerics would be disadvantaged. Certain Archer builds as well, as kiting would ultimately lead to their demise.

Something like this would greater diversify what could appear endgame and thus, create more variation when it comes to endgame builds.

It’s just a thought though.

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How does Earth Tower screw over Archer classes? I’m pretty sure people like them, especially when it comes to bursting down bosses really fast.
Also, i’m pretty sure swordis are needed aswell, especially for tanking and drawing aggro. My guess is you mean swordis who didn’t take Peltasta or swordis who just want to be DDs instead of tanks, but you weren’t really specific.

What would be the point of the concept of playing together when you want to force people into two groups, those who can run dungeon A and those who can run dungeon B? Wouldn’t that lead to even worse situations like guilds not accepting entire class branches because they don’t fit in with their dungeon plans? What’s next? Cleric Tower, Archer Tower, Swordsman Tower and Wizard tower, where only a specific class branch is useful and all others are useless?

Rather than splitting the player base in two (or more), wouldn’t it be better if dungeons like Earth Tower would be tweaked to be more balanced aswell as more skill balancing to make weaker skills/classes stronger, so all classes and builds are welcome?

Yeah, I give you that. The reason I didn’t want to be specific is mainly because aside everyone’s meta class builds, there isn’t a ton of flex room considering getting CCed means getting chunked. While you can do it, people don’t accept it much due to efficiency. With the variety in the game, I don’t want to pinpoint others into being able to do it.

While I would want Earth Tower to be tweaked, it could be done with variety in mind. I wouldn’t want to split people into doing either A or B, but rather have B as an option if not A is desirable, plus I doubt the Lolopanthers would honestly be the only dungeon’ll that get released in that series.

And it would be a good opportunity to create content whereas there needs to be coordination involved. That said, I don’t want to make Clerics, Wizards, or Archers irrelevant or obsolete in this dungeon, but rather I want content or mechanics that makes it also harder on them as well. Like a giant counterspell making Cleric’s heal grids able to heal it, making it so Clerics have to be careful in super filling the field or risk healing the boss.