Tree of Savior Forum

A big thank you to the IMC team and staff

I want to say THANK YOU for all your hard work. It means a lot. I’m glad to be able to play this game even if it is a little bumpy at the start, and I am looking forward to the future where problems will be solved over time.

I’ve enjoyed every moment of the times I’ve been able to play and so have many others who are currently playing right this very moment.

I want to leave you words of encouragement and support. Don’t give up, no matter how noisy these forums get, I am confident that you will be able to provide the best gaming experience possible after the early stages and complications. Many of us want you to succeed and we will continue to support you!.

Tree of Savior is an amazing game, it has so much potential and a long future ahead of it. I am happy to be here supporting your company and the future of your game, keep up the great work, and remember that in the midst of all the negativity, there is always light at the end of the tunnel!.

FIGHTING!! :smiley:

@STAFF_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J =======================================================

For those of you who keep saying that the company does not listen; read the following;

Players asked for EU and SEA servers.
Outcome: They are to be provided.

Players asked for founders packs to be changed
Outcome: They were changed.

Players asked for server Xfers.
Outcome: They are to be provided.

Players asked for team name changes:
Outcome: They were provided.

Players complained about rocky start
Outcome: Compensation on more than 1 occasion and they’re still fixing it and doing the best they can.

Players asked for ingame GM presence
Outcome: GM’s are banning spammers everyday and have online presence

Not one time has ANYONE on these forums said “Thank you” for these things that the company has done. It’s always been a bunch of self entitled brats complaining about how THEY are not being listened to.

Yes, you can voice your complaints but do it like adults. Don’t think of IMC as a company, think of them as the humans that work there.

Give them something positive, they will want to keep YOU all happy, but you have to at least give them the kindness and respect that any other human deserves.

They’re listening, they’re doing the best they can under the directive of their company body and shareholders.

It’s time we let them know we’re supporting them. Positively!


The ‘best they can’ would be restarting Klaipeda despite not having a fix ready. Just restart it. Seriously.

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best post, GO IMC! :sunglasses:

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Players asked for LAS servers too :frowning:

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Well said! Keep up the hard work IMC

Same here!
Got help from a GM that move me to Klaipeda cause i was trapped at Pyromancer lab! Just ask for it nicely and you’ll get it eventually!

I hope all this get fixed next weekend.


how much imc paid to you? i want to work for imc too

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this is true. many rage kids concerned for their $10-50. ugh. don’t act as if you bought the company.

you still have my faith in fixing the game/servers IMC. fighting~! :blush:

just because someone disagreed with your opinion doesnt mean theyre paid.

When did you get this done? Been stuck in Passage of the Recluse for awhile now.

Btw i do say that cause i play even in this days MapleStory. Anyone that played that game long enough knows what to expect in this cases. I learn to be patient (My character has one of her main buffs bugged a year. My DPS was horrible as hell until they fixed it) and to do something else.

Like its not gonna end the world if i cant play the game even 3 days. I can live with that.

Also if FFXIV made a huge comeback, why this game couldnt?

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Funny that alot of people who do not recommend the game on steam if you look closely half of them are actually playing ToS at the moment :stuck_out_tongue: This game is really good and they do listen. People need to get down their horses and be patient… every MMO launch is a rocky road… there is only so much a Quality assurance tester can do in an waste open world like this. so when a flux of 30 000 player comes in… of course new things are to be discovered!


This thread was the light in the darkness for a lot of people!

indeed thank you as well its been a while since i played a game that made me this happy and yeah we got a long road ahead but i can already see that light at the end of the tunnel just need to walk through the smoke and the light shall embrace your path gl IMC and Thanks

I think (and hope) most players have no beef with the english speaking imc staff and GMs. They are wonderful and are (and have been) doing everything they can to help.

I think most players really dislike (and are completely right to dislike) the decisions and incomptence of higher ups in the imc chain of command. There are some real head scratchers and lack of communication from those higher ups.

Have we ever had a good chat with members of the dev team (even a translated QA session would be godsend)?

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You got me at ‘hard work’.

No, seriously, it’s been a whole ■■■■■■■ day since the last update. There is literally no CM working today.

I would argue that’s a problem with imc company policy for not hiring people to work weekends. Blame whoever made that decision not the hardworking english staff and GMs.

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