Tree of Savior Forum

99% bots 1% real player? Imagination or Reality?

I just wanted to drop by and say I’m actually astonished by the amounts of bots in this game…

I have seen bots train in others game before but never have it actually affected my ability to play the game.

But here in TOS.

KSing is a major problem.
Teleport Hack is major issues. (I mean really bots literally jump around the screen killing everything.)
Lack of real player is an issue.

I move from map to map as I start a new character yesterday and all I see is BOTS everywhere. They are at every single corner.

It’s like cockroach.

Is there any real player left?

Even in high level zone with my main character I see bots almost every single map in the 100-200.

I know botting exists in MMO. But in this game it’s just amazing that there is so many bots and so little is done to get rid of them.

I feel like 99% of the peoples I see are bots.
1% being real player.

Very sad. Please HIRE some GM to ban bots.


I share your sentiments on this. I’ve just played for 7hrs and was dumb founded when I see melee characters doing range damage like rangers, and whats worst is this are high level people staying at low level maps. Chat box are populated of gold seller who keeps shouting. Even the Tenet Chapel which I’ve just recently reached is populated with this bots. I can’t imagine how the game would look like once the early access is finish.

Since their bots get cosntantly banned., the botters have to restock constantly,it’s natural low level zones will be full of them.


Except in map level 150+ I see Chaplin bots every single map I visit, at least 1-2 of them at bare minimum in map that have monster that spawn that is.

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RIght click and report them, or use the report section on the forums


That I do every time I see one. But the main issue is I see more bots then real player.

That is what I dislike. In most MMO I have played there was bots train and such but at least I would see more real player then bots.

Not to mention bots in this game is even worst because of the atrocious spawn rate in the game.

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I’m 200 Orsha server and only saw more bots than players at low level areas(Crystal mine,Tenet Garden,these kinds of maps).

It’s pretty sad to see that bots can level to 100 without effort. The sad part is not that bots trains so fast, is that they trained up to level 100 and they werent banned although I am pretty sure a lot of us are reporting them as bots. Manahas is one of te example map with them.

Shouts are available on level 40, bots made it to 100, let alone 40 :frowning:

we are all bots, this is an offline game, even this forum.

I don’t know if bots are 99%. But what I know is that I stop playing because of them, so 1 less legit player here. I’ll play again when I see they are doing something serious about this. It’s all fine to manually ban bots from reports. But that’s a minimum band-aid. You ban 1, and 10 more appears.

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Bots will make up the majority of “players” in the lower lvl maps, most of them are for shout-spamming purposes and since those get banned frequently, they need to re-lvl.

Most real players have gone past most of the sub 100 if not 150 maps by now so you wont see a significant ammount of them in those areas

So basically, the level 40 requirement for Megaphone is the result we see now.

But then again we all knew this was going to happen the moment they announced this.

The main issues isn’t bots.

It’s spawn rate and KSing and Teleport Hack, Melee Ranged Hack.

But Spawn Rate is the NUMBER one issue in this game.

You can literally sit in one place sometime upward to 5 minutes and see ZERO monster spawn.

That is just going to make peoples rage quit.


I imagine some people are using automated software as well. More so when they see all these other bots getting away with it.

Yep… In other games, I can usually just ignore the bots. In ToS, not so much.

Spawn rates are already unbearable, even if no one else is in the area. With hoards of bots that kill anything and everything, questing and grinding can be near impossible on some maps.

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yes i agree with you, They should really fix this issue. If not this game will be just going to be ■■■■ as can be!!

IMC cares about bot? I see the same chaplain at the same place in the same channel at Legwyn Resident. I report it every time I see it. Up until now It must be one week already. It still alive and kicking.

This is a rumor: Bots are actually from IMC themself. Not so long ago, when GM Durian was online and shouted in chat. All Advertise bots stopped for the moment Durian yelled. Not so long later, after GM Durian stopped yelling, they started again. What more important is that Durian keeps dodging topic about bot. Instead, he replied to troll topic such as: Have you ever eaten Durian before?

I Just Dont Get How IMC Works…

Well, the thing is botting at it’s core is not something you can stop 100%. Otherwise we would not see bots in every single MMO that exist on this planet.

It’s the impact they have on a game that you can minimize. But yeah seeing the same bots for weeks/months is just disheartening to legit players.

Especially in a game about grinding.

I do not want to see 28
I’m scared .

If bot got ban… Only create new account.

bot everywhere ! help!

Hyperbole is one of the quickest ways to get someone to dismiss what you say.

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