Tree of Savior Forum

[600+ VOTES! šŸŽ‰] Gacha poll, do we want it? IMC need to understand we're not koreans

Agreed. Itā€™s funny for once iTOS doesnā€™t want a kTOS feature.

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This is just the beginning guys. For those who have played Granado Espada (another imc cash milking game) will know the pain of these in-game casino gamble feature for rare/exclusive event only items. Dats when ppl would burn their wallets.
I still remember when they added cash shop exclusive characters / OP gears to the gacha/casino for limited time only and no matter how much I spent (rip wallet), there will always be one lucky person who can get it in less than 10 tries, quitted ever since then. In before, they add ET tower cubes or Equips into gacha as well. Time will tell but I bet it will slowly escalate to even worse when imc is getting desperate :unamused:.

Enjoy the game while it lasts.


I want that Gacha right here right now

inb4 IMC sell class reset exclusively from Gacha

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We got payment korean system (gachas incoming) but not the same dungeons nor missions instances and stuff, Iā€™m done with this management seriously.


The real despair will be when their bankrupt company to come will never find job again and wonder why xD

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They are the target of so much hate but no rioters yet in korea, how will they be able to stay afloat?

i actually came back to the game for R8, even started 2 new chars (lvl 200+ and 250+). both imced. now iā€™m playing other stuff =/


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feels. be like @haukinyau0 he watched h instead of playing this game. kakakaka

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Know why you havenā€™t seen this guy in a while? Because the servers donā€™t have many people playing on them. The bugs that are around come from the 2 interns working at IMCā€™s ā€œinternationalā€ office which copy and paste code from kTOS onto the other servers then edit things in notepad hoping it works. This guy only comes when thereā€™s a full ship for him to sail the S.S. Commander Load Fail boat.


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Damn irony and sarcasm, never ceases to amaze me :joy:

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30000 people launching this game? Lol, you are probably counting people that missclick when they want to play dota 2 or something

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They actually did that by telling the South American people to go to a different server which was in SA for like a couple months then moved it back into the USA. Iā€™m sure they saved tons of money on their car insurance.

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Ive seen this same discussion before.

Whihueknihgts, get on this and update for gacha boxes.

If by ā€œcloseā€ you mean East Coast USA. They were in SA for a month or two and never returned to SĆ£o Paulo which is why tons of people left because majority was the BR population. This was the first big scam IMC pulled because the SA publishers dropped on them. They use Amazon AWS and itā€™s actually cheaper for them to be in the states than SA when you look at the quotes right on Amazonā€™s website.

The SA people just got tired of making posts and ironically were smart enough to quit a long time ago. lmao