Tree of Savior Forum

50% Damage (Wiz 3) or 218 Magic Attack (Thaumaturge 1)?

Im wondering in damage Calculations how much is the damage diference in using 50% Wizard 3 passive with Quick Cast Vs the 218 Magic Attack increase passive and very hard to train Thaumaturge 1 Swell Left Arm in spells that multi hit like WL Pole or Necro Cannon…

Depends on how much matk you have. For almost all cases though, Quick Cast attribute would give more. Thauma’s buffs don’t really add that much if you don’t consider a whole party

Well Quick Cast must cast every 15 secs and Swell Left Arm every 50 secs. Thats a huge diference to have in mind too. If someone is wiling to make basic damage calculations is welcome :smiley:

Let use Frost Cloud for example:
33 hits total
Base dmg: 643
Your Matk: 1000 (no amp)
Enhance attribute: 50%

With quick cast:
((643 + 1000) +50% attribute) +50% quick cast = 3696 per hit x 33 = 121992 total

With swell left arm:
(643 + 218 + 1000) +50% attribute = 2791 per hit x 33 = 92119 total

Both skill has 100% uptime and if you raise the values the gap will get more bigger => quick cast win.

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The difference in damage is huge, its like 1/3 more.

Quick Cast only works for you while Swell Left works for the whole party though.

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But the attribute of arm add 3pts for each lvl (max 50). I have both and yes quick helps in damage more than arm. But i prefer using arm because last longer, less sp (current lvl 5 and attribute lvl 15). Also arm helps more in auto attack. Using both at same time well i never need more that 2 magic missile to clear all enemies close to me

Quick cast also add damage to auto attack…

If you’re going necro, then I suggest take wiz 3 instead, you’d want faster cast on that cannon +50% more damage.
But go thauma if, you really want a more support inclined build, it is a green class after all while wiz is a red class.
Also quick cast ‘should’ scale better on higher ranks since with the current pattern, skills’ base damage goes higher with rank. well… ‘should’ XD

You seem to be ignoring the cast speed that comes with wiz c3.

Perhaps you dont cast much, but like another pwrson said, it increases arrack speed too.

The 50% will affect the flat dmg from the skill… And your Int… and your weapon… It’s done over the top. To final damage. So it just calcs what you would normally hit as and adds 50%. So with the way the flat armor goes you’re not 50% of the unmodified damage it’s 50% onto the final damage.

As stated above cast speed is a big deal as well… I know when I’m with my inhouse group half the time I don’t even get to cast it in time to do damage. And I run quickcast. Spell has a fairly long startup time even after the cast starts. And it doesn’t always pin fast movers so you want this thing going off fast especially if you’re only holding them still with hangman’s knot.

If you’re just comparing WizC3 to ThaumC1… Wiz3 likely wins out cause magic missiles is a pretty good. Thaum you’re getting transpose that lets you stack up Int (it goes up higher when you stack it) and then split it with Con for survivabily and get a net increase in overall stats. And shrink body for damage reduction attribute. Swell body from what I hear right now isn’t awarding the proper 200% XP so you may want to surf around the forums and read about the current state of that if you’re still interested at this point.

If you’re at the creation process… There was a korean patch recently that was saying Swell brain was getting a buff for matk that was either 22.5matk or more like 22.5% matk and the descriptions are badly made as usual.

Thanks for the answers. The truth is that I was considering be Necro 2 instead of Sorc 3, because my build has Thau 1.

Finally decided to stay with my initial build and if someday I want to reroll a Necro ill go Wizard for sure. Plus Wiz3 is a good investment for future Ranks dpsc:slight_smile:

Wiz3 with quickcast and magic missile will give you much more damage by yourself in almost every high level situation.

A thaumaturge with transpose and swell left arm can let you build your char with more int, as well as power up your party members. Which is taken for granted.

It’s quite viable if you’re not going to choose a class that doesn’t have casting time.

The biggest thing you need to watch out for is, thaumaturge is a rank4 class, wiz3 is a rank3. They’re not exactly equal.
If you don’t choose wiz3, you’ll end up having to choose a rank3 or lower class (probably linker?)

why not both for the solid foundation class :joy:

can i go wiz 3, cryo 2, necro 2?

I think wiz 3 - link 2 - necro 2 would be better

Well in general (in TOS), percentages scale better in late game compared to flat damage values.

Quick cast is the stronger individual buff
Unless you deal less then 143 damage after defense.

Thauma’s however about buffing a party so
218 x 5 goes a decent way.

Doesn’t sound like you want to be a support though so eh.