Tree of Savior Forum

50,000 Kills Later~

Yeah it would definitely be interesting. From what I’m gathering it appears that when hunting rare items, its bad to channel hop, its bad to be on a crowded channel and if one recently dropped your best off trying your luck on a new channel.

I agree on the golden anvils aswell, i got about 1 for every 10k kills on each of my characters. Exp Cards I cant really comment on as they just get added to the pile but given both are universal drops it does make sense, or it could even be done in a similar fashion as orbs/gems but for total kills instead.

Also just theory crafting again, but it also seems probable that Crafting items would follow the same mechanic as orbs/gems. It wouldnt make much sense if they programmed 2 different drop mechanics. I wouldnt be surprised if its on a predetermined roster of hit and miss that equate to the drop %. I cant really explain it but something like 0010110010001101100101000000100 where 1 = drop and 0 = not drop so that way it would appear to be random. Given a large enough spread it would be near impossible to tell the pattern.

The rod and mace drop at very regular intervals. My channel has the mace dropping within 5-20 kills of the rod dropping, guarenteed. I’ve been running in a very strict circle, sweeping all infro’s so there’s barely any room for those drops wander around.

If you can count how many kills it takes to get the rod or mace to drop, you can potentially run through all channels and line up the killcounts so the next batch of monsters will drop rod&mace, then run back through every channel again watching rod&mace fall left and right (per channel, of course). #run-on sentence

If you do need that prior kill count for all the rare drops though, It’s no wonder I was able to drop 2 vubbe fighter bloods in 5 minutes of grinding (4 channels at a time, on a weekend). Tried my luck with boater and it’s just not happening. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

One thing to take note of: grinding right after maintenance is a huge waste of time (this does not apply to boater since the kills needed is too high). Let things die to players naturally, and schedule your farm later in the week.

Another thing to note: after one of those ultra rare drops happens, that channel is now soured. You’d be doing the community a favor by announcing so. Either in shout, your (insert item name) grinding forum thread, or the ToS discord. So farmers aren’t wasting their time.

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Can you guys stop spreading misinformation? It is all RNG based. I was on ch19 orsha, got my 3rd gem, and 200 kills later got my 4th. And no, no red gems or blue gems between them, and no one else on the map on the channel.

It just seems like people are trying to figure out some made up alogrithm , when infact it is RNG with a HORRIBLE drop rate. Heck, check out my kill counts from kill 1, I always solo farmed, and my data is NOTHING inline with yours. To me, it seems like people ( like yourself ) are theory crafting EVERYTHING.

I agree with you about pure RNG, but you should use less agressive words D:
I suffered the same problem while droping Lydeka mats, and get two red orbs in close to 100 kills (same monster anyway) D:

Sorry if I come across as agressive, I just HATE it when people spout theory crafting BS and try to pass it off as fact, I have seen quiet a few people fall for that lord knight build on TOSbuilds or whatever. All people spreading missinformation does it confuse the playerbase.

I have NO issue with DISCUSSING the chance of alogrithm drops, but people trying to pass it off as fact need to show me a White Boater before doing so.

I’m currently in the process of attempting to prove or disprove that 100k kills are needed in a week. I’ll post the results once I get there.

As far as the speculation goes, two people with boaters have had experiences that have matched my own. If you’re addressing me when you mention “theorycrafting,” I’m simply stating my experiences from grinding at this one site for twelve hours straight. I don’t necessarily care if I obtain the hat or not; I want to prove or disprove ideas so we can narrow this thing down to see if it might possibly be a “structured” drop or just completely random. Nothing I’ve said should come across as me trying to pass anything off as fact since I’ve used words like “seems” and “possibly.”

54927 Kills (~50k kills on the same channel)

5 Red Orbs
5 Blue Orbs
6 Monster Gems
7 Golden Anvils
23 Exp Cards
255 Bones
309 Rods
311 Clubs
2460 Shells

The thing is, most gear drops are dropping at (what seems to be) very strict intervals. The monster gems, golden anvils, exp cards, and most materials, are the only items I’ve noticed to behave with bare RNG.

i say we should consider all possibilities and then prove it wrong through constant experimenting.
isnt ignoring theory what u call, “closed minded”?
not to say just because it happened one or twice it should be made as fact.

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64858 Kills (~60k on channel)

6 Red Orbs
6 Blue Orbs
7 Monster Gems
8 Golden Anvils
30 Exp Cards
305 Bones
366 Rods
366 Clubs
2916 Shells

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I think you should be more open minded. There’s a number of people saying they noticed a trend in drops. Personally I find it interesting as its quite rare to have any inisight into how a games drop mechanics work. Before getting too worked up AFAIK there’s no such thing as true RNG and games use algorithms to make drops appear random. I know in older versions of Pokemon, pokemon IVs(stats) were linked to the time the pokemon was encountered.

Anyways your 2 gems within 200 kills on the same channel doesnt prove anything either way. The kill sample is far too small and although puts into perspective that this isnt concrete it doesnt disprove that items dont drop on some sort of cycle.

Anyways i’m not saying its fact, there’s noway to know 100% unless the devs leak that sort of info which will never happen. I just dont think its a bad idea to look into if there’s any similarities in how drops happen. I’ve seen alot worse theories based on alot less data.

That was my exact point with the 2 gems within 200 kills. The sample is too small. So is 3 people saying " I notice a trend". I don’t mind talk of " opinions " on the matter, but when I see things like

this going on, yeah no. This is downright misinformation. This is the exact postr that set me off, because if a new player read this, they’d think he has factual basis when all it is a hunch/opinion.

On the topic of RNG. Games use what are known as " seeds" for enhancement. That is why people have been able to abuse the system to get +15-+20 gear and losing 3-5 potential. In terms of drops, it is purely RNG based until said otherwise. Yes, it COULD be alogrithm based, I will admit this, but until there is CONCRETE proof, it is RNG based.

DPK System debunked. Check it out.

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In a nutshell.

Some low level is probably walking around with your white boater.


Yet there are so many people who have won the lottery twice.

There, now we have discredited eachother.

I enjoy all this discussion about the drop system. Too bad IMC won’t tell us how it works.

I just wasted 100hours to learn it. You have the path made, you just need to confirm for yourself. I recommend infrorocktors because of fastspawn rate and this “theory” of mine can be proven if you keep a log on a text file with the DPK drops and when they dropped (kill count) on same channel.

Edit: These are kills btw
16934(short rod)
16953(wooden club)
17124(short rod)
17159(wooden club)
17330(short rod)
17364(wooden club)
17529(short rod)

been killing turtles in a single channel.

Also some rare stuff like golden avils, orbs, exp cards and infro gem

This guy must be extremely lucky then. He’s from Varena server. :joy:
He confirmed about 12k kills.

Edit : Hid his Team Name, 'cause it’s not mine. :smiley:

I think this hat really might be bugged in NA xD people are getting it on other servers but still no confirmed drop on Klai or Orsha right?

You just disproved the DPK system, or the people claiming the rod is 200 kills.

The ones < than 200 can be attributed to other people randomly killing, but the 2nd --> 3rd one is 205 kills.

All this shows now is it is a 1/200 drop ( 0.5%)

Same with people getting gems within 200 kills of eachother. It is just people trying to make sense of RNG.