Tree of Savior Forum

4 pvp question Help ;)

Hey :slight_smile:
1.What is the best pvp build/stats right now ?
2. Archer or Wizard is better on pvp ?
3. Wiz3/Ele3/Warlock is good build for pvp/pve ?
4.And what u think about this build

I don’t think ele c3 without wiz c3 viable. If you want focus dmg, you need quick cast. The cast from ele skills is huge (meteor 10s). If you want cc, have builds much better.

wiz3 ele3 lock is the most used build on pvp/gvg.

arhcer got buffed, but… wiz have a lot of aoe skills with cc. your style will define ur class.

Don’t go to the tops builds, but you need a logic to mix the builds, sure. The game change a lot. If you want op right now, go to Plague Doctor.


Best wizard build for PvP seems to be Wiz > Cryo 3 > Kino 3. Too many CC, even with PD kino’s skills still work.

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Chrono is great too, but I agree with that build. It’s really fun to play and nice in pvp. But for gvg, I prefer drop 1 kino and add 1 linker.
What you think?

@moises_andre12 u show me this build ? :slight_smile:
if this build is better i want “him” ! :smile:

Dude, you keep campaigning that Cryokino build huh? lol XD
i bet you are Cryokino too hehe…
Since you are Cryokino master around here…please let me know some combos with cryo and kino skills except for icewall+psychic pressure combo whether PvP, PvE or GvG :slight_smile:

Bro he is in election for President of Cryokinos XD
kidding :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m neither Cryo or Kino. It is just that everybody says that those are the two best classes for PvP, simply because they are the Kings of CC.

For PvP Linker 1 might be interesting since it has 5 max players, but for GvG it would end up being useless, mostly because you can linke the same targets more than once, so all Linkers with more rank than you would end up linking most of the ones you linked and even other ones.

Cryo 3 Kino 3 is NOT about Ice Wall Combo (though if you can use it correctly you can probably wipe a guild?). Frost Tree, Telekinesis, Raise, Gravity Pole, Magnetic Force, PP (stunlock), freezes, Snow Ball. It simply stops all enemies for the whole match.

NOTE: You CAN drop Cryo 3 as PD is pretty popular for PvP right now, but Frost Tree is still awesome and if there’s no PD against you they’ll just freeze to death.

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Bravo! :wink:
well done sir well done :smiley:

i have this build of mine…please feel free to give opinion and suggestions…

i choose element skill because of the Electrocute skill…and maybe the Frozen Pillar + Meteor Combo…what do you thinK?


freeze gives the same modifier as quickcast for eletrocute, but quickcast givest it to all skills.

Elementalist doesn’t work very well if you only pick 2 ranks, also not good to pick it at rank 7 where you have better DPS options, can’t even think about retaking it at rank 8.

Basically, if you like elementalist, you should REALLY go Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > anything.

If you like cryo you have a LOT of options.

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I’m considering the build of Cryokino build…
however, i have some doubts about the magnetic force skill of kino…
Most people said, they would recommend to max it, just level one…because they said, its bugged, others said its due to more resistance of mobs to that skill…what do you think? do i need to max magnetic force? or just level one? any recommendation? and for Frozen Pillar, do i need to max it too? because some said, one level is more than enough…and they said Frozen Pillar cant be block by Plague Doctor, is this true?

I just need your opinion about this…if you have any suggestion about it…please feel free to do so :slight_smile:

Best Class For PVP

  1. Wizard > Cyro3 > Sorc2 > Warlock
  2. Wizard > Cyro3 > Sorc > Necro > Warlock

How to play

  1. Cast Subzero Shield ( Reflect 50% damage )
  2. Cast Dark Theugre ( Damage nearby enemy )
  3. Spam all your summons.

Fight Warrior : Stand still - Do nothing. Your summons will after them, they’ll just running, If they somehow can get close to you. Dark Theugre will damage them. and If they try to attack you, Subzero shield will reflect it.

Fight Archer : If Musketeer snipe you, you die but they also die ( reflect damage ). Other wise just CC Them.

Fight Cleric : If they have PD path just spam your damage skills, you can’t cc them but still can damage them.

Subzero shield OP but it’s only have 60% chance to freeze enemy ( this 60% chance also the chance to reflect the damage )

With this staff you can make it to 70% chance

Best OP Class ever

Can someone tell me if sorcerer c3 worth it in pvp?
If yes, what build should I do?

what build do pvp PD’s do anyways thats so scary to everyone? if they want to go more offensive? and what makes warlock the goto 7th rank is it their dark theurge?

hello moises. what stat build would you recommend a pvp cryokino? full con? 1:1 int:con? i know int scaling is bad but i wanna hear your 2cents on this

full con would be the best for PvP, but I would personally not go FULL con as you get some very good HP from equipments and plate armor attribute.

1:1 INT:CON sounds good enough, that or even more CON than that.

The point is, INT is only good after some point, you get “double” points after 500+ INT and 10% bonus for each rank, for a wizard DPS this means a LOT actually.

So full int and plate is bad for pvp ?
better is 1:1 con/int ? +plate ?
I think full con is bad ( low dmg )

The point of going cryo+kino is to CC not for dmg, so with a lot of hp you could survive long enough and help your team.

This just my idea. What if I go WIZ>CYRO3>THAUMA>NECRO2? With Full CON build?

No Damage? That’s why I got Thaumaturge with the help of Transpose skill and the attribute Transpose: Equilibrium (Balance your INT and CON when using [Transpose], causing each to become the average of both).

I think this is also effective in PvP? as well as PVE?

What ya think guys?

What you guy’s/gal’s think about Wi3/Kino3/RC ? (1:1 CON:INT)

I have a Cry3/Ele3 with full INT build at 263 and its PvE wise rocksolid. PvP wise, all you doing is spam rain (to detect those ratarded invisible archers) and use FP+FC. You cant compete with a 100 Con Elememe (DPS wise, PVE wise), but you you got this nice CC+FP combo and people gonna love you for that.