Tree of Savior Forum

37 days party of bots in Demon Prison, 1159 million silver, No ban from GM more than 21 days

Report 21 days, Nothing happen

ztupid GMs

100k per hour x 24 hours x 21 days x 23 bots = 1159.2 million silver

IMC only bans bots AFTER they’ve had a chance to hurt the economy. Just give them more time.


Billion silver no chance to hurt the game’s economy


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There’s an “Economic Damage Quota” perhaps they haven’t fulfilled that yet. Like, "Okay guys, Tokens are now worth 2 million silver and arde daggers are 10 million, maybe we should ban those bots now.

maybe @STAFF_Amy can shed some light with this problem

maybe it’s GM team like GE 's scandal long time ago ? :smile_cat:

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how to transfer silver between characters?

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Dafaq is a NoobThai?


Given your reason, does that mean that they won’t get banned for botting before they start spending money? I thought they ban those who use third party programs to play for them with no exception. If this is really the reason they consider before banning bots then anyone can just spend all their botted money on attribute without hurting the economy. Just my thoughts though.

Do you think those bots are affiliated with IMC? or the spamming bots in towns advertising their silver?

Why not make this game P2P, with monthly subscriptions to lessen those bots.

I was just being sarcastic at the fact of how slow IMC responds to bots that are raking in serious profit. It took them months to ban Snowdance. IMC has a very difficult time banning bots that have names that resemble players. They will ban “gfsdljla” all day every day but, “Snowdance” or “Tigerlily” or whatever? Nah.

Or names like Avidity

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Lol never thought about that. Banned bots respawn faster than the actual monsters on the map. Damn that’s sad.

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Oh, didnt see your point there. Yea, I agree with you on that one. It’s really difficult to do quests in those bot crowded areas like dina bee farm or demon prison and they still haven’t sent a real gm to those locations yet. Kinda dissapointing really. The only real way to solve the rmt and bots problem is right in front of them and they are not doing it.

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