Yeah right, I don’t believe you 1 bit.
Youre doing it wrong. Farm loften fragments in main chamber then convert it into stoulet helmet instead. You can farm 2.5m-3m per hour using that method if know how to maximize the loots.
Why would you give out that in public to people?
ok let say you need 8 Loftlem Debris for one Brown Stoulet Helmet Fragment:
Loftlem Debris 7.5% drop
Main Chamber (20, 20s), Main Chamber (10, 20s), Main Chamber (6, 30s)
Brown Stoulet Archer 0.5% drop
Grynas Trails (50, 15s), Grynas Trails (40, 60s)
i can kill both in one shoot:
Loftlem have
less spawn, more spawn time, map bigger.
You rally make your phada? or you are Theorizing?
Because Im no longer doing it? And know much higher income per hour? Also it all thx to Excrulon for sharing the recipe, its not mine not yours and the data is available for public use.
There is a possibility. Think the rest yourself how to make it more efficient.
The price of dawn crystal went below profitable range anyway thx to IMC removing the price cap. Went from 8m-9m per hour to 2.5m because of last patch.
Well, i had no issue with it, i was just wondering. I do not see a lot of poeple telling their main source of income on forums.
It is only one little area they spawn at and the respawn timer is way faster then stroulet archer.
Archer farming those beats anything farming stroulet.
I am half way to my second phada amount. Now only need to farm the remainder and then craft those… It will take a while i bet
I got some charog horn from jolly roger. Does corsair’s stealing affect dpk too?
jolly roger doesnt affect anything
jr is just lotery
i gotten boss cube from boss dun130 before
hue hue~
Its RNG, me got card on boss fight but boss is not dead yet
Does anyone know if the orange recipe you get from crafting is random or it depends the purple recipe?
iirc random,you craft a Cube that nets you a recipe.
I can’t even farming a mat(a dpk one) the channel kept crashing almost everyday T T
so pretty much the one mat that’s hard to get are the dkp ones, the ‘low chance’ ones aren’t that low, after the defense buffs allowing me to survive hits, I tested farming some mobs, and I get 5-9 an hour for the “low chance” mats
How long does it take you per charog horn? and are you soloing?
I got mine in 12 days. 1 per day about 1-2 hours. 4 of them was from jolly.
jolly? and maaan i need 41 of them lol
Jolly Roger
Best way to farm is call some friends (linker, thauma) and start killing everything.