Tree of Savior Forum

3 types of wizard classes will these work?

Hi everyone, I am planning to make 3 new chars. Will these combination work?

wizard 2 > pyro 2 > cyro 3 > sage
wizard 1 > pyro 2 > linker 3 > featherfoot 2

and not sure if this work at all:
wizard 1 > cryo 2 > kino 1 > chrono 3 > sage


n.1 What is the reason to go wizard2? only to make snow rolling not cancellable? It has neither the best DPS nor the Best support, so if it’s only for funsies it’s ok, if you want to make a strcit DPS i don’t recomend.

n2. Since you are going featherfoot in this build i recomend wiz2 in order to not get interrupted while casting Blood sucking. The other free rank could be pretty much anything but i guess wizard3 would be the best choice due to joint penalty + magic missile.

n.3 : I’ve seen Cryo1kino3chrono3, cryo3kino3sage or Cryo3chrono3sage. Pretty much, all this supportive circles get extremely better at rank3, it’s better to go cryo3 than cryo2kino1 support wise, just as it would be better kino3 than kino2 cryo1.

If any build is just for fun, sure, do them, if not, I strongly suggest going for a build that benefits from class’ power spikes or most relevant skills.

Thanks! n.1 build is just for fun. I already have 2 dps chars so I thought just combine pyro and cyro to see what happen.

I’ll follow your advice and get wizard 2 or featherfoot build that make sense.
and n.3 cryo 1 kino 3 chrono 3 (really like haste) and sage.
