Tree of Savior Forum

2nd Mystic chest should not be in Guild raid

It is to be expected. No guild had incentive to level up thei guild levels so this information catched most guilds by surprise.

Also is not weird on mmo for people to abuse information or reaching certain content first to improve their income.

The reason for my Practo guide is to remove that exclusivity on information.


I agree, many information from guild events have been kept in secret. I’ve asked multiple people before and unfortunately most of the answers I’ve gotten were bland or somewhat secretive.

In return, I’ve decided to release every bit of information that we can get to the community from my guide to guilds. While it does seem unfortunate that the 2nd practonium recipe can only be obtained via a level 14 guild, I do hope that the recipe would be accessible to all.

Having comestic items or utility items aside from the forge etc would be better for incentive rewards for guilds.