Tree of Savior Forum

290 Practo Box Guide [Recipe Found]

And the post is updated :smiley:

I want to ask anyone who reads this guide, to help me recollect timers for Downtown and Carlyles quests. Remember to mention the server time!

Carlyle 9 pm server time [for EU server].

Downtown 8:00 PM Silute Server Time
Carlyles 2:00 PM Silute Server Time


You may want to correct the trigger for Murmillo Master’s quest “Competitive to the Extreme”.

You don’t need to break your gears at all, just un-equip them. Kill a monster near him and that’s it. You have to prove to him you can beat a monster being naked, there is no need to break your equipment.
For the 2nd part of the quest instead, the quest states you need to use 3 armor pieces or less, (just un-equip gloves or boots) and kill a mob in the described level range.

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I tried to find some information about Mystical Cube reсipe on korean forums and DB. At the end of december there is no ways to find it on korean servers. Looks like it’s not introduced to the game. IMC joke us again.

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[quote=“s1lv3rw0lf, post:1, topic:342028”]
To the Fortress of the Land
[/quote]100% map completion for all maps in Sentry to Evac. This how I triggered the quest when it didn’t appear even though Ive done every since quest in that place.

@RyogoKusama and @Soanevalcke

Thank you guys. Your information as been added. So we can get it confirmed!

Odd, the npc in Carlyles did not appear at the time of 2:00PM klai server time.

All four of us completed the required quest, except the repeatable one.

What does the NPC looks like and how long does it stays there till it disappears?

It appeared on Orsha at the 2pm mark

The npc looks like a floating red light, no name or health bar but can be interacted with.

Appeared 2pm server time to klaipeda to 3 ppl including me, yeah it was are floating light.

confirmed time is 8PM server time in Telsiai as well

correction, at 9PM server it did not appear in ch 1 but appeared in ch2 (as told to me by another player)

Where you there before the clock changed to 9:00pm?

I once was called there, and i couldnt see the ghost at all. Even tho everyone else could see it.

yeah, i was there 5 min before 9 at ch1. I saw a group of monster respawn exactly ay 9 but did not find any npc. however, the other player i was talking to pm’ed me and said it was in ch2.

so the npc in carlyle can appear at either ch1 or ch2, on th designated time?

Good News


The Demons’ Goals (53)

This quest may be a bit tricky to start. Other than requiring having finished all Novaha quest line, you will have to go back to knidos jungle and talk to every npc on the village UNTIL they show a dialogue bubble over their head everytime you talk to them.

Once all the npc get this bubble chat go to Novaha Institute and talk to Rose, she will provide you the quest.

Tired of spamming space bar after 10 minutes, didnt show me any bubble at all.
Of course I have the pre-requist quest done.

Any help?

So we can have 2 practo per char right now?

No way to get the actual recipe yet.

Do you have per chance Chat Bubbles disabled in your chat settings?

may be 3 becouse u can get over 30 bsidium ore to make 2 mystical cube more